Live chat

Sorry I got logged out and couldn’t get back on with laptop… Just wanted to say Tata and didn’t want you all to think I was being super rude.

didn’t think it rude at all - know what computers can be like. Good to chat with you and the other ladies. xx

Dear Lulu, I am sure no-one would ever think that and your knowledge and support is always welcome by all x

I enjoyed chatting to you all x

Missed what went on at the beginning, I gather Ruth is having problems?

I also enjoyed chat last night, just wish I could type faster. Its funny trying to to read 2 diferent conversations at the same time. I could hear my brain grinding trying to keep up. Lol.
Anne xx

Thanks Lulu. Wherever I go on this site you seem to have been there already with really useful thoughts and advice.I was really scared last night and your post on the jan thread helped me to come to my senses a bit.
Catherine xx