Liver and bones mets

Hi ladies I’m back from hospital with confirmation of multiple liver and bone mets. Because of the help from this ace forum I feel like I’m going to be able to cope with the challenges ahead :crossed_fingers: I’m aiming for some more years, obvs like we all are, I’d really love to hear some positive liver mets stories please!!


Hi EJane !

I’m sincerely sorry to hear that you have ended up with this secondary diagnosis. I am pleased though that you found ‘us’ first before this result and feel quite emotional now seeing your immense courage into heading towards your treatment. I’m sure there will be bags of support for you from all quarters, both online and IRL. I don’t know if you’ve talked treatments yet or not, but I’m sure you will find information on here about whatever they decide is the best for you. I will reply again tomorrow, but just had a few minutes and didn’t want to walk past this important post from you. We will always be here to listen, and remember all those wise words from ladies on the other thread and the advice to see this as a ‘chronic condition’. I hope your son manages to process this situation ok, Im sure its going to be terribly difficult for the family to deal with the shock - back tomorrow x

Hello EJane,

Just wanted to say I was diagnosed with bone mets nearly 8 years ago and then  these were joined by liver mets 4 and a half years ago. I had a biopsy on one of the liver mets and didn’t find it uncomfortable at all. Since the liver mets I’ve been on Verzinio and Faslodex then Xeloda and I’ve just finished taxol. My primary breast cancer was in 1999 and I can’t believe how much the treatments have come along since then and hopefully more in the pipeline. You have reason to be hopeful. Try not to google statistics as we all respond differently and the stats take years to collate. 

One step at a time, you will feel better once you have a treatment plan in place.

Take care

Debs xxx

Hi. I’ve had bone mets for 4 years but recently diagnosed with liver mets too. I was put on Exemestane and Everolimus but that didn’t work. Now on week 2 of Capecitebine. Fingers crossed this works. What treatment are you on? X