Liver and Lung mets plus IBC

Hi, I have Liver, Lungs and Lymph mets all stable at the moment. I had 12 weekly Taxol Dec 08 to Feb 09 and have been on Tamoxifen for 7 months but am waiting for biopsy results for what seems to be IBC. Is there anybody with similar that could offer any help and advice as to what treatments they have had.
Lesley x

Hi lesley - sorry to hear that they are now testing you for ibc… i know we have had one lady who was told she now had ibc in the other breast after having a double mastectomy (she was a primary ibc patient) and someone else had a new primary in the other breast after having another type of bc first… i don’t think any of us have had a new ibc diagnosis after already having an unconnected secondary diagnosis… jackie might know more though as she has had ibc longest out of us and also uses the ibc part of some other forums… (i just post on here…)

for the primary patients we tend to have 6 months of chemo usually 4 x ac or ec then 4 x taxotare before a mastectomy and then a strong lot of rads using the bolus to target the skin layer more…

has all of this happened in your original breast? i really hope someone else will have more / better advice you might have to try the helpline and see if they have more advice… are you being treated at the marsden as i know they are the ibc specialists and might have the most options to tell you…

take care and do let us know what the test results show - even if it isn’t ibc in the end…

theresa x