I’ve asked this on a thread elsewhere, but just wanted some more opinions! My last PET scan showed a single nodule lighting up in my liver. This is the first time liver mets have been mentioned (I have 3 bone mets) Onc sent me for a liver biopsy however the surgeon couldn’t see anything on the ultrasound! He said the liver looked perfectly normal and healthy to him and sent me home. Now I’m utterly confused! Anyone else had this?
Hi again tomboy, all this waiting for you, but if they cannot find anything in the end that has to be very good news.
Can you have another PET? I do know when I asked for an ultrasound to check out my liver, years ago, they found it a problem to read as I’d been on Tamoxifen which causes a fatty liver.
Hi Tomboy…not sure if this is any help but apparently i had a lesion on my liver right from my first diagnosis but it was never mentioned until i got mets when they said it had increased in size from 6 to 8 mm…big shock. Further tests showed it to be a cyst…they did tell me the name, something like haemangeoma???..but not harmful. latest scan showed no change. Good luck.!x
Just an update from me. An MRI confirmed a single liver met (2cm) Apparently the ultrasound didn’t show it because it was quite deep (?) Having radio frequency ablation to burn the little uggers off. Seeing a specialist tomorrow and having the procedure in the next few weeks. Rather confusingly I’ve been put back onto anastrazole as bone mets were showing improvement!? Liver met appeared whilst I was on anastrazole. Maybe they think it originated from when I was on tamoxifen earlier this year (which didn’t do anything for me!)
Hi Julia. I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I’ve had lots going on so I haven’t checked the forums in a while! I’ve had absolutely no symptoms at all from my 2cm liver met. Its appearance took both me and my oncologist by complete suprise! I was on tamoxifen earlier this year which did absolutely nothing for me so guessing it might’ve popped up then? I’m on anastrazole and zoladex now which seems to be working well on my bone mets. RFA was offered to me without asking for my solitary liver met. However I’ve since had an appointment with a specialist who believes this isn’t possible (met too close to colon and gallbladder apparently) As such I’ve now been offered surgery to cut the little ugger out. The surgeon is doing the op via keyhole for a quicker recovery time (woo hoo!) Keep me posted on your progress too. It’s always good to hear the experiences of others and outcomes of the various treatments out there xxx