Liver mets - please join in

I have just had the additional news on Friday that I now have a small amount of liver mets.Detail was abit vague as time wastaken up with problems relating to breathing and ct scan being less conclusive here. As I had to trawl back a bit to find much on liver mets in the forums I was hoping to start up a new thread similar to the dedicated bone and lung mets threads.

Hi gail5. Glad you have started a new thread. I was dx double whammy with liver mets(albeit small). I have just had my 2nd treatment (docetaxol pertuzumab and herceptin). My onc is very positive and as you probably know the ladies on this site are very helpful. At first I researched liver mets and found very negative information. However I don’t think thats the case anymore. There are lots of ladies surviving liver mets out there and plenty of treatments. The ladies on this site managed to reassure me that because my liver spot is small I stand a good chance of getting it under control and I do believe that. I hope you have the chance to speak to your onc as I am sure they will be positive. xx

Hi Elliedog. My liver mets seem to be quite small just now and onc isn’t too worried about them. It was just a bit of an additional shock on top of everything else.
I’ve been dealing with skin mets for over a year but they weren’t too much of a problem until they opened up and need regular dressings. I have in the last few months had a pleural effusion on the right lung. In April I had it drained and had a pleurodesis to try to seal it but looks like fluid is building up again and also have fluid on left side too. Have been admitted to hospital due to extreme breathlessness and am currently on liquid oromorph, steroids and oxygen to help me breathe.Ct scan was inconclusive so need a review of this next week.
Sorry not much of this relates to the subject of the thread, but the liver mets were so unexpected when all the focus was in the lungs.

hi can anyone tell me if they are on weekly paclitaxel for liver secondaries ,and if so what is your dose in mg ?xx

Hi gail. Sounds like you have been having a very difficult time. I hope they get things under control soon which I am sure they will. Are you in hospital at the moment. Keep fighting and take care of yourself. Message or post me if you need or want to.xx

Geordiex, I might be going onto weekly taxol soon. I think they base the dose initially on height and weight. Unless you needed a dose reduction due to severe SEs you would only be changed if there a significant change in your weight.
Elliedog I’m in hospital just now. Looks like they’ll drain some fluid from left lung. Seems to have been a bit of a debate but my onc has put her foot down. I’m getting another test to see if I can get to take oxygen home with me too.

Gail. Glad your onc is putting her foot down. Hope you can get the test done quickly so you can go home its so much better being at home. Take care and let me know how you are doing. x

Elliedog, just as well my onc is on the ball. Registrar thought he wouldn’t get more than 500ml and managed to drain about 1litre.

Sorry I do seem to be dragging things away a bit from the original topic a bit. My onc came to see me and agreed that as i’m so symptomatic and letrozole can take longer to work we will go with weekly taxol. Chemo unit is busy for fitting me in but she might be able to get me started as an inpatient. Unusually she’s going to combine with letrozole.

Older thread here:
Even older thread:

mrsblue thanks for the links. I thought it was worth starting a new thread since the other one seemed to have died a death and am never too sure who is still around.

Hi Gail. Sounds like your treatment plan is well and truely underway now. Hope this is making you feel better, sounds like your onc is very determined to have their own way.Don’t know about your combination but it would be good to know how you get on. Im in my second week after treatment 2, have been doing really well with SE (although even that worries me think I should be having more SE so I know the drugs are doing their job, silly I know) but been running to the toilet alot and can feel perminant headache coming my way, think this might be the start of the inume system hitting its all time low. Let me know how you are doing if you get a chance. Take care. Angela xx

think the runs seem to be one of the major side effects from what iv’e read on the American site ,have been told today herceptin alone for me now and regular scans and bloods every 3 weeks, due to side effects of taxol and the fact Iv’e had a really good response to the taxol in that respect fingers crossed ,apparently theyv’e had people onherceptin for 11 years would like to be one of them x

Hi Gail, yes definitely a good idea to start a new thread. I had bone mets first (dx 3 weeks after primary) and have had liver mets for 4 years. I’m now on eribulin, my 4th chemo.
Weekly taxol and letrozole could be a very effective combo, I think! Letrozole was my first treatment after dx, few side effects (some joint aches but they settled down after a few months) and it worked for me for almost 3 years.

Hi Gail. I’ve heard of lots of ladies on Heceptin long term. There is a ladiy on my chemo ward been on it for 10 years and she is still well. She was my age when she was dx (43) and she has now seen both her boys of to university. There are ladies on here with similiar stories so I know it can be done. Glad you have your treatment sorted. xxx

Angela I signed the consent form and registrar thinks I’ll start chemo tomorrow or next day. Looks like I’m getting oxygen when I go home but have health and safety issues around gas cooker to sort out. Moving house from 3rd to 1st floor next month so will soon have less stairs to climb and hope I can build myself up a bit. Sounds like I’d better keep the immodium h
Mrsblue hoping the taxol letrozole combo works out too. Onc seems keen to give it a go.
georgdiex herceptin seems to be a great drug if you’re HER2+ and there’s also a lot of research into new drugs in this area.

Hi Gail and Geordeix. Sorry I bet my last post seemed a bit odd to you both. I think its my chemo head ,seemed to have been doing this all day. Gail glad it looks like your going home soon even if you look like your be busy moving to the 1st floor. Good luck with the chemo hope it doesn’t make you as absent minded as

Angela, provisional plan for me to go home Monday. Sitting having premeds for chemo so relieved things are finally underway. Think I’ll be kept out of the way for the house move until it’s all over. Too late for me with chemo brain. Never quite left me from previous chemos.

Good luck for Monday gail and let everyone else do the hard work with the moving house. Glad things are under way now. I felt more positive once my treatment had started hope you do to. Take care x

Angela, I always feel better for starting treatment too. Not sure why when so many treatments have failed so far, but I do get that period when I’m convinced the new chemo is the one that’s going to work.