Liver Mets - Possible surgery-Any advice

Hello, never posted before but found forums very useful through mx and chemo. I have an app with a Liver consultant who may? be able to remove left lobe. I wasn’t aware that surgery could be an option. Anyone out there had surgery for liver mets? or can anyone give me their experience?


There is a woman on the US forum I go to who had a partial liver resection and has blogged about it here:

Laurie x

Hi, I’m afraid I have no personal experience of this but have heard of other people occassionally having surgery…I think its rare because its unusual for the tumour to be in an operable position…and also many oncs hold the view that systemic treatment is required because other small non visable tumours are probably already present there and therefore systemic treatment is more helpful and less invasive.Maybe there is some reason why your onc thinks it may be more sucessful for you? Another technique sometimes used is radioablation…I don’t claim to know very much about this either! but understand it to mean a cytotoxic substance being directly introduced into the affected area/lobe of the liver under radiological guidance…I understand that this too can be very sucessful but with similar provisos. Pam

Thank you Ladies

I checked out the blog, it sounds very painful!! I think I will have to wait and see what the consultant says on the 22 as to why he thinks he may be able to operate, he has already explained that he can not “cure” me. I am not sure that I want to go through more surgery this year.