Hi there, I was diagnosed with lung, bone and liver mets at first diagnosis and had numerous large tumours in my liver including on 7cms in size. I had FEC-T and the ones in my liver disappeared. That was last August. Yesterday I got my scan results and unfortunately it has returned with a vengeance into my liver. I’m going to see my Oncologist next Thursday (earliest appointment available) to find out what treatment options are available for me so can’t give you any advice at the moment but just wanted to say you are not alone!
I have rotten pain in my shoulder which is due to my liver pressing on the nerves of my diaphragm. Has anyone else had that at all and how did they get rid of it? Katherine
Hi Kimi, just popping in to join your thread. I was in same situation, bone mets for 3 years - assumed it wouldn’t go elsewhere - CT scan and multiple liver mets. One of the worst pieces of health news I ever had…
Now I hope it’ll help you if I explain that my liver mets were found in 2009, and here I am, still posting, had several treatments (hormonal and chemo), and there’s been lots of research on new treatments. Am now on capecitabine (tablet chemo) for the 2nd time.
Hang in there, look for hope (even a small thing each day?) and support, and we’re here for you.
Hi Mimi
Sorry to hear your news of spread to the liver. Like mrsblue and you I had ‘only’ bone mets for a few years, 5 in my case, and found out I had spread to my liver last February. I have been on Capecitabine since then and it has done a great job of shrinking the liver mets and keeping the bones stable. I’m now due to go onto another chemo regime (which I should have started last year but couldn’t for other health reasons) and hope to be like mrsblue and live with this further spread for a good few years yet! Wishing you all the best with your treatment and the new combo you are on does the job.
Nicky x