Have had fantastic news this month, my recent scan has showed that the three large tumours in my liver have started to calcify, my onc has said that this means the cancer is dormant at the moment and she will see me in three months for tumour markers. I am not sure how to feel as when first diagnosed with primary and secondary bc in 2010 I was told my prognosis was not good and to prepare for the worst, now I don’t kmow what to think, has anyone else had this happen to their liver mets?
Hi Milo…I dont look at the liver mets site much as I have lung. But was overjoyed to read your post! This certainly sounds encouraging and I hope youll be quietly celebrating!
Love and hugs to you
Bev xxx
Thank you for your reply ladies, I do rely on this site for advice and support. I think my lifestyle helps to keep me healthy, I walk for an hour every day, no alcohol, caffine or processed food and I have no stress in my life, I rest a lot as letrozole has left me feeling like an old woman, my onc says if it is working then keep it up, although I do miss a large cold chardonay!!! Next scan is jan so will try to stay well .