Hi there everyone,
Don’t know if anyone has had these symptoms, but I am now really worried. I have got secondary bone and liver mets (liver just diagnosed) and am on Taxol (due for the 3rd lot Wednesday). I have been getting a sort of like stitch pain on my left side, which I thought was due to the liver mets. Yesterday I started getting the same sort of pain on the left side. Not sure if this is due to taxol or what, but I am getting really panicky. Has anyone had anything like this now I am thinking it may have gone to my lungs and I am really scared. I had a CT scan about 6 weeks ago and presume there was nothing on the lungs, now I am not so sure. If anyone can put my mind at rest I would really appreciate it, or even if it is bad news I just need to know. I will tell onc on Wednesday, but just wanted to see if anyone had any answers.
Thank you