liver secondaries

I have read a lot about liver secondaries from primary breast cancer and what I don’t understand is that i have just met a friend who had bowel cancer and secondary liver cancer. She has had chemo and the bowel cancer all removed she has now had a good part of her liver removed and they tell her they have “got it all out”. I have not seen anyone from the forums talk about having a liver op - is it different with breast cancer secondaries?

Hi Crehensal

I would love to see what replies you get here. I have liver secondaries, and when we were told, I asked the onc about transplant but he said Not an option. Didn’t really ask why as was shellshocked with dx and think very numb. I am seeing the onc. tomorrow and asking about liver transplant, ablation or resection, and shall see what he says. Think depends on size and number of tumours. Think I have two, no idea of size, so hoping one of these is an option.

But I recall that if secondary liver from the bowel, then surgery is an option but not sure for what reason.

Take care

Seems odd that it is an option for one and not the other. Wonder if the cancers are entirely different. It was really nice to be told that she was clear (for now anyway). Good luck for tomorrow.


I do have a liver secondary (just one and about 5cm in size). Initially I was told it was operable and they would remove about 60% of the liver but then they found it was too close to the portal vein. So I am now having chemo with the hope that it will shrink enough to make the liver resection possible - MRI tomorrow to see how it’s going which is quite scary!

I gather that if I can have a liver resection, it does indeed mean the cancer is potentially cureable (though the likelihood of getting more secondaries is high). However the liver surgeon I saw said he felt not enough people were even offered the chance of a liver resection. Liver transplants I understand are not an option for anyone because you have to take drugs to stop rejection and they suppress your immune system.

So go for it tomorrow, Dawn - perhaps you could get the onc to refer you to a liver surgeon. And let us know what happens. Kay

Thanks Kay. It’s interesting and cheering. I have not been diagnosed with BC but am due a mammogram in October and every time they come round I am convinced they are going to find something, although I only had one 18 months ago, so I am always researching - just in case - sad or what?

Thanks Kay too, as said no idea what size mine are, think there are 2. Am bricking it about tomorrow and asking the question (But I have too) and hearing the response. But gotta be done and so keep everything crossed. Appoint. at 2.45 pm, so got all day to worry too … best I keep myself busy. Pad and paper at the ready, list of questions about my chemo, liver, herceptin, side effects, taxotere. Its endless, he will probably throw me out!!

Take care all

Good luck for tomorrow. I will say a wee prayer for you and hope you (and all you ladies) get some good news. Dawn I know you’ve a lot on your plate - young kids etc so fingers crossed (and toes and eyes and legs and whatever else!!)


Hi Dawn,
It’s 3.15 wed and I’m thinking of you! I expect you’re still in the waiting room tho’ - groan. I’m sending up prayers for you.
Really hope there’s some good news for you.
Love Jacquie

Hi There

Well back from onc, and yeah did have to wait for about 30 mins, and wasn’t my onc I saw, he is still on holiday, was a lady that works alongside him apparently. She was very nice, but in a rush to get me out, as was asking questions and she was backing towards the door - it was routine appoint to see how I was coping on chemo really.

Said need to have ultrasound late next week to see whether lumps in boobs responding to chemo. Asked about liver resection/ablation, but she said have to wait til end of chemo, have another scan and see how have reacted to chemo, so discuss then. So not much to tell, although she seemed quite amazed at how well I am on FEC and said although taxotere can wipe people out for few days, maybe as doing so good on this one, might be ok on that one, so time will tell.

So that was it. Me worrying about nothing, although she didn’t really seem to want to talk in length about anything.

Hope everyone else OK.


Hi Dawn,

Glad to hear your appointment went ok today, really am.

Good luck with the ultrasound.


I also have liver secondaries along with bone… my onc has only offered chemo but a friend sent me some info on resection and ablation of liver… it apparently depends on size and number of secondaries in the liver. If one lump they may do a resection after lots of tests to see if your liver and you are up to it all. Ablation can be done on spots but sometimes there are too many and to do any good they have to kill them all off.

There probably is no absolute answer and it depends on each dx an we are all different.

Hopefully my 4th lot ofchemo will be working and I will ask my onc about ablation etc and if it is an optionfor me… I don;t think it is available at every hospital so would have to travel??? I am not sure that I would go for it unless the outcome is very good.

I am sure it doesn’t cure you./… sorry.

Hi Wisdens

I think someone posted on secondaries and had ablation as she had one tumour on liver and it disappeared, so there is some hope, although not getting mine up too much, as we never know, and as you said we are all so different.

Have to wait til Nov at end of chemo and see what they say. But if it is an option, definitely up for it or resection. I want anything to be done to me, no matter how painful, if can get it all out of me. I know silly thinking really, but how I feel.

Take care

Hi Dawn

I have posted elsewhere and asked for info on ablation - like you I just want this thing out of me…lets hope, just getting ready for work it is all misty here so here comes the Autumn. Lets hope we both get some good results in Nov my onc will see me in about 4wks to make treatment plans whether to keep on the chemo… or try something else?? So I am about a month in front of you - keep posting

Well am gonna keep everything crossed for both of us, that scans are good and that this is an option for us and we both have success and cut the c**p out of us. Yeah was very foggy this morning - where abouts are you from. I am Essex and blonde (was blonde should I say), but no essex girl jokes please, born Maidstone in Kent, but bought up in Yorkshire!!!

Take care and if you get any info about resection or ablation let me know, and vice versa.


Hi Dawn

Glad your appointment wasn’t too much of an ordeal even though it sounds quite frustrating! I hate that feeling of not being given the time I need to ask all my questions. I think the medics must find it really difficult though to give definite answers as they just don’t know how we are going to respond to the treatment offered. Hopefully your chemo might be really successful and shrink those liver tumours dramatically! How many more chemos do you have?

There are 2 linked websites I’ve found quite useful with info on both resections and ablation - and

I’ve spent the last 3 days having 2 MRIs and chemo - what fun! I get the results of the MRIs next Thursday. Pretty anxious about whether they will show that my chemo is working and the tumour is shrinking. But hopefully all will be good news and the scan will show that it has shrunk enough to make it operable once I finish the chemo. I’ll let you know how I get on as I can then pass on any extra info I get about liver resection if I am going to be able to have the op.

Enjoy the weekend - hope it is as sunny with you as it is here.

Kay x

Hi…I’ve been reading this thread but wasn’t sure whether to butt in as my mets are to bone but just wanted to let you know a friend of mine had ablation recently with excellent results. It was through the Royal Marsden although I think the treatment was at another hospital.
Another friend had the resection op and it did buy her some extra time and she managed to get that extra time without being on constant chemo.
Take Care All…xx

Hi Dawn, my onc tries to get out of the door very quickly as well, i had to shout him back the last visit to tell him i hadn’t finished yet!!! go for it Dawn, i.m hoping i have nothing lurking, but you never know, but i would grab at any chance, and we should all be offered the chance to get the right treatment.

lots of love


Hi All

Thanks for your comments, definitely going to find out about ablation and resection and ask for second opinion from Liver Surgeon once chemo finished. Although had a look at the websites that Kay mentioned and a bit down right now, as if have either ablation or resection, says “If the tumour is successfully removed from the liver, up to 35% of patients may survive 5 years or more”, so wondering what my chances are and getting a little bit scared and depressed.

Lets hope my chemo is really successful and that ablation is a good option or resection … I have so much to live for and wanna see my babies growing up. Think I am going for a good blub now … back later.

Take care

Hi Dawn

Really sorry if the website upset you - I feel responsible for upsetting you. It does say somewhere though that the outcome is likely to be better when the treatment is combined with chemo etc. And figures are only figures - they really don’t know how you as an individual are going to respond. My liver surgeon told me of one of his patients who had a liver resection 10 years ago and is doing absolutely fine. And there is no reason why that can’t be me (and you) whatever the figures say! Particularly given the improvements in the treatments over the last 10 years.

So take care …Kay xx

Hi Kay

Sorry to you too, it is not your fault in any way, and I want to thank you for the websites as it gives me little bits of information that I didn’t know about ablation and resection. I read lots of other websites too about bc and secondary liver, and it always upsets me, cos I worry about not being here for my babies, 3 yr old and 10 month old, and all I really want is to see them grow up.

I know that stats are not about individuals, and we have already decided either just before my last chemo or straight after, going to find out about a referral to liver surgeon as we have private cover and it is ready and waiting, although got to find out if they will cover this first. Where are you located and have you already had a referral? Being nosey I know, as if you are in the south east, then might use your liver surgeon. But think that the Royal Marsden have a couple there that are supposed to be good.

Anyway, thank you for your support and help. It was/is just me being a little silly and getting myself all worked up really, and you have no need to apologise, otherwise I wouldn’t find out about some things that I need to know, as no-one else is telling me. So please continue to give me stuff, and as you say, hopefully we will both and others on here with liver secondaries be able to have the op and have 10 years+ on our sides, now that would be FABULOUS. Heres hoping …

Thank you Kay again, and am sorry if I led you to think you had upset me.

Take care