i was diagnosed wuth breast cancer june 2007 her2+ , i had 8 chemo, wle , radiotherapy and 18 herceptin, i had fantastic results , no evidence left after chemo, i finished herceptin in april 2009, i visited the docs a couple of weeks ago i had a pain in my side, i had an ultrasound it revealed 2 large secondarys on my liver, i am having a ct scan on monday to see if its spread anywhere else, i am so shocked my onc thinks its grown again after stopping herceptin, he says it will be more chemo and herceptin but wants to see if they are dealing with anything else! i have 2 beautiful children and an amazing hubby,i am terrified please give me something positive to hold on to xxxxx


I was so sorry to hear about your rotten news. What a horrible shock it must be for you.

There ARE treatments for liver secondaries, as your onc has told you. I have liver secondaries and have just finished Taxol + Avastin, which seems to have worked well.

There are non-chemo treatments, too. I don’t know a great deal about them, as I’m fairly new to secondaries, too.

I’m sure some of the more experienced liver mets ladies will soon post here and give you some more support.

Hang on in there. I’m sure you will feel a little better when you know what your treatment will be, and the ball starts rolling.

Hoping for good things for you on Monday. Keep in touch, won’t you?