Living life after chemo

I had breast cancer 2 yrs ago.  Had lumpectomy and chemo and radiotherapy.  Since this i have been left with very severe osteoarthritis.  Had hip and shoulder replaced so far.  Been on Arimidex since Oct2011.  Have bouts of depression.  But most of all my taste buds have given up the ghost, cant taste any food at all. Don’t enjoy food at all, i eat because i have to.   I am still angry soemtimes that the cancer has left me like this, I was fit and well before all this.  Still got chemo brain, which is annoying.  Now restricted to what i can do job wise because of my shoulders.  One good thing to come out of this is i no longer have any body hair, so more shaving.


Anyone else had problems like these or is it just me.


Dear bushbaby

Welcome to the BCC forum.  I’m sorry to hear you are still going through such a tough time. 

You might find it helpful to talk things over with one of our helpline staff.  They are open from 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi bushbaby

I am just a year past my treatment had mx chemo and radiotheraphy also I am now on arimidex tried anastrozole first but had aching joints, still have but not so bad and hot flushes. I too have bouts of depression and a horrible dry mouth. I had mouth spray when this started not long after chemo the doc prescribed it. It did go away but is back!! Sorry to hear of your osteoarthritis, I was given calcium chews after my bone scan showed the start of bone thinning in hips and back. I am not getting on very well with them due to my dry mouth and they make me feel sick. I have started to have the new yoghurt with extra calcium 700 mg per tub, and try to eat more food high in calcium Take Care xx