Lobular cancer experiences please!

I had surgery for lobular cancer 8 weeks ago and have been told my anterior (skin) margin is zero. The oncologist is willing to give radiotherapy with boost but feels a mastectomy should be considered, even though it’s likely the margin of concern will probably not be resected and potentially used to close the skin. Has anyone had radiotherapy in lobular cancer with positive margin and would be willing to share experience/ outcomes?

Hi, I was diagnosed with lobular cancer last year and due to a lymph node biopsy coming back positive I had a mastectomy and node clearance. I’ve also had chemo and radiotherapy.
I know it’s not exactly the same as what you have experienced. Mine showed up very small on my mammogram and ultrasound but was deceiving when the results came back from the mastectomy as it can hide itself well.
Wishing you all the best x

Thank you Tabby-Lou for sharing your situation. LBC can in deed hide in plain site , and it’s that issue that concerns me. Hope you are doing well now. X

Hi, last year I found a lump less than 6 months after routine mammogram. I had a lumpectomy and SLNB but unfortunately the histology showed I had lobular cancer which had not shown up on the mammogram or ultrasound. I am not sure what you mean by anterior margin but I would opt for a mastectomy if I were you.
I wish you the best of luck whatever you choose. x

Thanks for your reply.
Anterior margin is the skin side of the tumour and can be a bit of a grey zone in what to do management wise after the type of surgery I have had.
Thanks for your advice. Appreciate your reply. Hope you are progressing after your surgery.