Lobular cancer invasive

Hi Deb, How are you getting on? Hope you are alright. Time is flying by, I am back to work next week after being off for a month, can’t believe how quick the time has gone. The girls are so lovely telling me they miss me, Its probably because I make great tea. Let me know how you are doing, thinking about you all the time :slight_smile: xx

Hi Debcully,
I, too, have been diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer recently and now waiting for MRI. Like yourself, I did lots of research on it but still not clear why lobular is said to be trickey. Is it because it is harder to detect or does it spread more quickly than ductal breast cancer, does anyone know?
I wish I could have the surgery asap and know what kind of treatements I will have to go through after that…
Hope your MRI went ok.

Hi Tweetypie,

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.

If there’s anything you need to ask as well as these forums our helpline team are just a free phone call away to help you along. 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hi Tweetypie, I too had been diagnosed with invasive lobular cancer, I was told by my doctor that lobular cancer is a sneaky one and can hide, and that is why I had a MRI. It came back with nothing abnormal showing, I since have had a lumpectomy and 4 Lymph nodes removed, which thankfully had no involvement. So I am now getting over the surgery and waiting for radiotherapy and have Tamoxifen for 5 years.
Good Luck
From janemod


Think you’ve given Tweetypie a link to the wrong publication. She says she has ILC - you’ve posted a link to a benign breast condition publication!

Tweetypie - think you’ll find this more useful! http://www2.breastcancercare.org.uk/publications/diagnosed-breast-cancer/invasive-lobular-breast-cancer-bcc45

Good luck

Hi DJ007

Whoops! Can’t have been wide awake this morning! Have edited my post accordingly. Thanks for pointing that out.

Jo, Facilitator

mri results came back showing no other sites which is good. Surgery booked for 6th march which is not good :frowning: . Still sort of think its not me I’m talking about but every night I wake up and feel sick thinking about being actually wheeled down to theatre and then when I come round seeing something which I will hate. It’s crap. people say to me that it’s better to get it out/be alive blah blah blah and yes if it was my daughter/ mum/anyone else I would probably say the same to them and I know they mean well but it really doesn’t help!!! I just think yea well it’s not you being disfigured is it. i looked at some tattooed nipples as well and was not impressed…the bn asked me why…I said we’ll one is red and one is brown for a start off…it’s just all crap.
my partner keeps saying to me well at least you will still be here to see your kids get married/have families etc and yea I will all being well. still doesn’t help how I will feel about myself tho! Maybe I’m selfish…so what…it’s just how I feel.
but anyway as the day gets closer and the dread gets bigger me ( like many others ) just have to deal with it I suppose.
doesnt make it any better…just how it is
deb x :frowning:

On a funny side tho I was looking at some of the complimentary therapies on offer for us cancer sufferers. One of them was reiki…it’s all about the energies. The therapist either places their hands on the body or just above and can help to rebalance the body. Apparently this can also be done when your not even in the same room!!!
Some Reiki practitioners are second degree practitioners. They send healing over a distance. So you can be in your own home having Reiki from a person elsewhere.
how on earth???

Thanks DJ007 for directing me to the correct link!
Janemod, thank you for your kind message. Sounds like you had a good MRI and post-surgery results. Apparently my lesion is only 1cm so they caught it early but I am worried that they might find more in MRI - I cannot wait to have the MRI done tomorrow and find out (hopefully nothing more showing)! Good luck with the radiotherapy and Tamoxifen.
Debcully, glad to hear your MRI result was a good one, too. I know what you mean - I get up and down as well, thinking about how my breasts will look after the surgery, and possibly radiotherapy and chemotherapy…and how the hormone/chemotherapy will affect my fertility etc. I think in our situation we cannot help feeling this way from time to time. But at least you had a good MRI result and your surgery is now booked. I am envious as I wish to get it done and over with asap!!! Good luck! x

Hi Tweetypie, Sometimes I feel this is happening to someone else, but then I realise it is happening to me, and just have to get on with the dread of it all. I lost my little brother recently and while he laid in hospital, he had been through so much, he just looked at me and smiled, and said to me, Jane just deal with it. and he is right, it has given me so much strength. I do feel sorry for myself, then I snap out of it and just get on. Take care Jane XXX

Hi Debcully - I don’t think it’s selfish to feel how you feel; it’s your body and your mind, and you feel how you feel about it. Having read a number of posts now I can see that people feel very differently about things. I feel very srongly that I would rather lose my whole breast than half and would rather not have anyone messing about with my back to do a reconstruction. But that’s me - my back is more important to me than my boob! We are all different and if you need to rant and rave then you should rant and rave. I’m at early stages but maybe others will confirm that you go through different thought processes as you progress and I don’t think it’s good to bottle up what you feel. Even if you present a calm front to some people it seems you can just let it all out on here!

Hi Girls, just when I was getting on, I have got the worse cough ever, ever, my throat, ears and chest really hurt, if only I could stop coughing, I could get some sleep. I came home from work early, because I have not had any sleep much for two nights, just can’t stop coughing, so tied, feeling really sorry for myself. My boob wobble every time I cough and it really hurts after surgery. Who gave me this awful germ errrrrrrrrrrrr

Hope you’re feeling a bit better Jane that sounds painful. And my heart went out to you about your brother :(( xx
and yea it’s still crap xx

Hi Deb, thank you for that message. I lost my lovely brother two days before I found out I had cancer, he knew that it was a possibility before he died. Christmas was the hardest time ever, then on top of every thing else, we could only arrange his funeral on one day, which turned to be my birthday, December 21st, a day I shall never forget. I am going out tomorrow night for the first time since surgery, At our new local football club, a evening has been arranged in memory for him. Going to be strange, mixed feelings, very very proud and also very very sad, but got to smile through because he was always like that. :slight_smile: xx
How are you Deb, last weekend before every thing kicks off for you. Have you managed to keep well, with so much flu going around. Today I met the oncologist to start my Radiotherapy, I start 20th March for 20 sessions, more than I thought. Boob is still sore, when I mention it every one keeps saying it just takes time, so another week of pain killers.
Speak soon Deb, have a really good weekend, take care. Jane XXX

Hi jjanemod hope you are feeling less sore now and hope that you had a ‘good’ night in remembrance of your brother. I’ve not been On here much lately cos it just scares me sometimes. What painkillers would you recommend to take? I’m having the op this wed and am now scared to death.
tweety pie how did the MRI go?
deb x

Hi Deb, Its great to hear from you. I know you must be feeling really scared, I did on my last day, although I kept myself really busy, also my granddaughter was born, so that kept me from going mad. The pain killers are just paracetamol and ibuprofen round the clock. I think I could have had stronger some times, but did managed the pain in the end. I would suggest you buy some wipes for under your arms as my dressing would not allow a shower, I sat in the bath and washed round what I could. Do you work Deb, and if so, are you having much time off work? I can’t believe I am almost over the surgery, now double cooking dinners getting ready for the radiotherapy. Its going to take two and half hours round trip every day for 20 days, I am sure I am going to be knacked by the end. Good luck Deb for Wednesday, you are in good hands, I will be thinking about you all day, hope every thing goes well. Take care and lots of love, from Jane XXXXXXX

Thanks Jane…don’t think have ever felt this stressed in my life before :(( Just feel totally sick thinking about it and feel like I want to screamb. my head hurts, my boob hurts …it’s like it’s just reminding me all the time.
i have to have a fish line put in before surgery and another 2 mammograms to make sure it’s in correctly. There are 7 ladies plus me on the operating list for that day and guess what number I will probably be!!! if I’m sat around for ages waiting that will be crap.
Yes I work full time so my last day in today…dont know how long i will be off
you sound like you’re doing really well and super organised :)))
one of my friends is a radiologist and told me that there is a hotel room that belongs to them which is complimentary for people who are having treatment…isn’t there anything like that at yours?
I won’t need it as I’m only 20 mins tops to the hospital unless its rush hour. 2 and a half hour round trip poor you. Hope that you have someone to go with you.
did u say u start rads on the 20th?

Thanks Jane xxxxx

Hi Deb, I read your post this morning and know how you must be feeling about your imminent surgery tomorrow. This cancer thing just invades us when it feels like it, no warning, no preparation on how we’ll cope. My diagnosis is slightly different to yours in that I have invasive ductal carcinoma. But I just wanted to let you know that I had a lumpectomy and SNB (3 nodes) last Thursday 28 Feb and it went a lot better than I expected.
I had to be in hospital at 7.30am as a day patient and was the last to go to theatre at 3.45pm! In between I had the radioactive injection and guide wire inserted followed by a mammogram. I had been dreading going to theatre but by the time I was in my gown at 1.30pm I just couldn’t wait to go and get it over with. I recovered well with very little discomfort, just a blue boob from the dye and bruising, and a lack of feeling under my armpit which took some getting used to. I stayed in overnight and chatted to a lovely lady across the corridor from me who had had the same procedure that day, from 9.00pm till midnight! How we must have rambled after all that anaesthetic, putting the world to rights as we did.
I still have to wait for the prognosis of course, but 6 days on I feel ok physically. I hope you have a similar experience and are pleased with the results of your surgery after all.
Anyway best wishes and lots of hugs for tomorrow, I’ll be thinking of you and looking out for your next post to let us know how it all went.
Julie xxx

Hi Deb, Just read your post today. It brings it all back to me how I felt on my day of surgery. I hope you don’t have to wait to long before you go down for surgery. I couldn’t sleep the night before, up early because they want you in, so the surgeon can chat to you all before they begin. Then of course the procedure to put the wire in, that was not as bad as I thought, its just like a extra fine wire that is taped to your body so it does not get in the way. The time does go quite quickly, so just keep hold of your emotions and be strong. My husband stayed with me while I had the wire, then left when I went back up to the ward. That was the hardest time. Deb I will be thinking of you all day, I know exactly how you feel, tearful, scared and terrified, but I promise you, you will get through this. Be Strong. Take care and lots of love from Jane XXXXX

Hi Deb, sorry for the late reply but somehow I missed some reent posts. MRI turned out to be unclear so not much help but the ultrasound few days later showed my tumour to be as big as 2.5cm when initially I had been told it was only 8mm - which upset me. But I guess it is better to find out now than later…

I believe your surgery is tomorrow. Really hope it goes well - best of luck. I have mine in two weeks…

Jane, really sorry to hear about your brother - how awful it must have been for you, having to find out about your cancer only two days after…