Local recurrence 12 yrs on

Hi there

I was treated nearly 13 yrs ago at the age of 48 for lobular carcinoma,  with lumpectomy, RT and tamoxifen. I had quite extensive lobular carcinoma in situ but the medical decision then was that mastectomy wasn’t necessary. Unfortunately I now have a local recurrence with normal lymph nodes on imaging and no distant spread on scans, waiting now on more information after very recent mastectomy and lymph node sampling.

I am a medical oncologist myself, working in a different area of cancer, and for me the issue about being both a cancer doctor and a cancer patient was a real struggle first time around. But with support I was able to get back to  my clinical work and manage that well. Now I find myself faced with the same set of issues, but a slightly different vantage point. 

I just wondered if there is anyone out there in a similar situation - medical, dealing with cancer patients in their everyday work and facing cancer themselves, either first time or subsequently? Or if you are aware of any forums that exist for medical/health care professionals with cancer?

I know everyone struggles with a cancer diagnosis and don’t mean to minimise our common struggles in any sense, but there are some quite specific issues too that I have never really had the chance to discuss with other medics/health care professionals.



CJ77 welcome to the forum , there are certainly other professional on the forum who deal with cancer in their day to day jobs and it seems like having this insight/ knowledge  can be both a blessing and a curse . Hopefully someone will see your post who can understand the situation you find yourself in .Best of luck with your treatment .Jill 

Hi CJ77, have you heard of Dr Liz O Riordan. She is a breast cancer surgeon who had breast cancer twice. She is very active on Twitter and Instagram talking about her own experience as well imparting her knowledge on breast cancer. Hope this is of some help


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