Lockdown nightmare

I just wanted to voice this…

My worst day of finding out about the secondaries was during lockdown and we weren’t supposed to go out and about.

i received a phone call from the hospital who asked me to come in for a couple of tests- head scan, blood test etc.
I was driving to the hospital and the police pulled me over and reminded me that I wasn’t allowed to drive anywhere. I told them that I had an appointment at the hospital. But of course I didn’t have an email or a letter to confirm this so the police didn’t believe me. They decided that they would follow me to confirm that is where I was going. To make matters worse, the hospital wouldnt let me in the building because I didn’t have any proof. I was in floods of tears because I didn’t really want to be there at all. A nurse stopped and asked if she could help. She was able to contact someone and they came to fetch me.

The police then drove off.

what a horrible day that was- but at least I eventually received the diagnoses and started the treatment.

Best wishes ladies

What a horrible experience , I’m so sorry you had to go through that . Being ill during Covid was a very lonely and scary experience particularly during the first lockdown , so awful that you and many others had to go to appointments and cope with difficult diagnosed without the support of family and friends .I remember going on my own to an MRI scan in the first weeks of the lockdown,  I was so anxious about being stopped and the hospital was so eerie and quiet x