London Calling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

London Calling !!!

London Calling !!! London BC pals - just to let you know that the next prem- meet up will be on the 26th May, Kensington Gardens, somewhere slightly beyond the Hyde Park Corner Entrance. It will be a picnic so please bring food and something to sit on.

We will have a large selection of pink balloons so we can be easily identifiable to new comers.

Partners and children welcome.

Hope to see you there.

All the best

Mrs S xxx

Can you let me know what time you’ll be meeting? Does it matter that I was pre-m before my illness and probably/maybe post-m now?

That doesn’t matter at all - everyone is welcome!

We are meeting at the Hyde Park entrance of Kensington Gardens at 1pm on the 26th May. Hopefully the weather will be nice but if it’s really pouring down we’ll meet in the Serpentine Gallery instead.

It’s a pain not being able to contact oneanother directly through this site, but we can exchange mobile numbers etc on the day and then hopefully meet up more regularly after that.

Look forward to seeing you all.

Nicola X

Of course not! Same boat as me.

I am thinking about Ipm, but waiting to see if this suits others.

All the best Mrs S xx

Just bringing this post up to the top incase there’s anyone else out there who’s intersted in meeting up.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Nicola XX

london meeting Hi all,
I haven’t met any of you London women yet as I’m fairly new to the forum but would like to come on Saturday is that OK ?

All Welcome! We would be delighted to meet you!

MrsS xxx