London to Paris

London to Paris

London to Paris Determined not to let this BC get the better of me I decided last year (after secondaries diagnosis) and probably in a little moment of madness! to cycle from London to Paris for charity.
So with a group of friends we set off tomorrow and finish (hopefully !)on Saturday in Paris. The training has been tough and I have been tired at times but have made it this far and intend on finishing however long it takes.

If anyone would like to sponsor me they can do so at

I will post and let you all know how I get on!!

Smartie x

Best Wishes for your venture. I’ve also been determined not to let this get the better of me and did a half marathon last month and the Ribbon walk last weekend.
It does help to have a goal to aim for, I’m planning a marathon next!!
Hope all goes well and post as to how you get on
regards Kathryn

Good Luck Smartie!
And Good Luck with your marathon Kathryn…xx

Smartie and Kathryn You GO GIRLS!!! Funnyface

L2P Hi Smartie

Well done you - let’s hear the details as I’m considering this for next August. Did the London Brighton on Sunday and it was a breeze but L2P is MUCH further. Do tell more …

Will follow the sponsorship link.

All the best

London to Paris - Update Well glad to report MADE IT!!

Tough but enjoyable - weather boiling hot first day then strong headwinds Day three which made it really difficult. Still managed to find some big guys to cycle behind who acted as a great windbreak!
So pleased I have managed to complete it and apart from feeling tired no ill effects.
Dahlia - well done for London to Brighton - I would recommend LtoP for next year its a great atmosphere- you meet lots of people and get to raise money for charity - cycling into Paris is an amazing feeling - quite emotional. You can go at your own pace its not a race and there was a real cross section of people taking part.
We are already talking about the next challenge now…!!
Take care all
Smartie x

Well done, really pleased to hear that you made it!!What is the next challenge?
I am going to do a midnight walk in a couple of weeks for our local Hospice, it’s women only so I’m doing it with my friend , her daughters and my 13 year old daughter, I’m expecting that to be quite emotional
Best Wishes

Smartie Wow Smartie!! I’m glad you completed your adventure and are looking forward to another. What a wonderful experience!! Funnyface