Long term medical effects from treatment

I finished cancer radiation treatment December 2023. I had 5 weeks, 5 times a week, direct intense radiation treatment. I was on tamoxifen for a few months but it made my depression and anxiety worse. However, I’m suffering from certain chronic symptoms since finishing treatment and was wondering if anyone else is or has gone through the same thing as me. My boyfriend doesn’t seem to believe me which makes me feel alone. Others don’t understand. I have neuropathy in my left arm and hand. The side I had my lumpectomy and lymph node removal on. I drop things, have trouble tying knots or grasp things. My depth perception and balance have been off. And mainly, what’s really troubling, is my memory loss. I can’t seem to remember anything short term even when in the middle of a task. It’s been very difficult and frustrating. Women or people I’ve asked who went through breast cancer say to me they have had the same problem. Is this common? Anyone else going through this? I found another mass in my breast. Surgeon is sending me for a mammogram and ultrasound tomorrow. Please pray for me that it is nothing. I appreciate anyone’s advice or support. Thank you. Nicole


Hi @nmarch78 ,

Firstly I am so sorry to hear what you’re going through - we’ve found that a lot of the time, when someone finishes their active treatment, their family and friends might treat them like that chapter of their life has closed. However for many, it might be when you start to process what you’ve been through, or like you, you may have to deal with the effects of treatment for a long time.

I’m sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post yet, but I’m hoping after my reply you might start to get some through.

On our website we have the below information on neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy and breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now

Brain fog could very well be a side effect from your radiotherapy - however if it is affecting your every day life it sounds like you should discuss it with your doctor or breast team. You can also ask our nurses about it Latest Ask our Nurses your questions topics - Breast Cancer Now forum

Have you ever considered doing our Moving Forward course? It’s for those who have finishing active treatment to meet with others who have been through similar experiences, and will give you the tools to process and cope with what you’ve been through. Moving Forward | Breast Cancer Now

How did you find your ultrasound and mammogram? I hope it went well. I know it must be an extremely anxious time as you face possibly having to go through it all today. Please know that if you ever need support or need to speak to someone, you can reach our nurses on our free helpline 0808 800 6000. You can talk to them about how you’re feeling, or any of the other issues that you’ve been having.

I’m wishing you all the very best, and I hope again that you get the results you need.

Always here,

Alice :heart:

Hi. I’m at a similar stage. I finished chemo in September, had surgery in November and radio in December - while getting Covid for the first time ever. I’m now on immunotherapy and it seems to be taking forever to get any stamina back, the peripheral neuropathy in my feet is no better and seems to be getting slightly worse, and I am sick to death of my sofa. I can’t offer you any advice, but I suspect it all just takes much longer than we assume to recover from the brutal treatment we’ve undergone. Do reply if you want to offload any more!