Longest wait ever

Hi, I’m new here. I visited my GP Monday 31st July as I noticed a breast indentation on my left breast when I raised my arm. I’m 32 yrs old with no family history of breast cancer. I’ve been referred to breast clinics 3 times in the past 3 years since my daughter was born with lumps but thankfully they have always been fatty lumps. This time there is no lump, just a slight thickening and indentation.

My GP referred me under the 2ww appointment and I was seen 4 days later , last Thursday. I was told it was a one stop clinic and that I would get all scans etc done on the day. I suffer badly from anxiety and was shocked to find that my appointment only consisted of seeing the consultant for a quick consultation. He told me I needed an ultrasound scan but due to peak annual leave, the scan would be August 12th with my follow up results appointment on August 31st! I was so shocked that I burst into tears and explained about my anxiety and how I was disappointed to be told I was attending a one stop clinic for this not to be the case. The lovely  nurse went back to see the consultant and he kindly moved my results appointment forward to August twelfth instead of the thirty First. 

I’m still so anxious though as the whole thing seems to be so slow. Is anyone else in a similar situation? 

Also, do you know whether the sonagrapher on Saturday will Be likely to give me any information whilst doing the scan? I’m sure that it’s usually the sonograper at the one stop clinic that tell she you what they can see but with my results app on the 17th I’m unsure whether they will be able to say anything?

thanks for reading x


anxious mum


I just wanted to welcome you to this lovely forum where you will get loads of support from the wonderful women on here.  I have not had experience of one stop clinics so cant help you in that respect but I am sure one of the other ladies will be able to.


Thank goodness the consultant saw sense and has brought your results apt forward especially as you had been expecting to know on the day at least. 


Try as much as you can to distract yourself so that you hopefully will be able to manage your anxiety and know that we are all here to support you.  There is also the helpline where you can actually talk to someone if you need to, the telephone number is in the top right hand corner of this webpage.


Sending you a hug xxx

I’m sorry to hear about your long wait. I hope your recovery is speedy and your results come through soon.

I had my ultrasound last Saturday and the consultant scanning me told me all looked normal. I was so relieved. I met with my consultant today at the breast clinic and he told me nothing was untoward on my scan and although I still have the indentation there’s no lumps. He examined me again and was still happy no lumps. He is scheduling a MRI for me to try to work out the cause of the indent but he told me he is not looking for cancer merely an explanation for the indent (if any). I’m so pleased but a teeny but anxious still incase MRI shows anything. Is it normal to still feel nervous when he told me cancer wasnt concerning him? Also, is it normal procedure to do a MRI even though ultrasound fine and he has no concerns? Thanks x

Hi AM, I’ve replied on your other post. x

Thanks x