Longing to sleep properly again

Hi all, how long did people wait till they started sleeping on side again (if a side sleeper) and at what point can you ever sleep/ lie on your front again, almost 4 weeks post op and hate the thought of going to bed, long to be comfy again :disappointed: Thanks in advance


Hi Sunflower23. I know exactly how you feel. My op was on the right side and that is how I usually sleep, plus have to fall asleep on my front. So I did find it very awkward having to sleep on my back. It did take about 4 weeks before I felt ok to sleep on my side again, but then found out I had to have another lumpectomy for clearer margins, so I was back to the awkward sleeping. I am just about now finding it easier to sleep on my side again. But not on my front. I hope you are able to sleep properly soon again. Wish you well.


I took about 5 weeks before I was completely comfortable sleeping on my left side after left mastectomy. I can still only manage front for a short time still after 7 weeks.
You’ll get there x


It was 3 weeks - I’m quite sure if that because that day I fell and sustained a rotator cuff injury on the opposite side from my 2 breast surgeries and could no longer sleep on that side. It wasn’t a full night’s sleep though but more because of my shoulder than my breast .

I also find it very hard to sleep flat on my back so you have my sincere sympathy . If you can get more comfortable on a sofa or in a chair it might be worth giving that a go for a day or two.

Hope it sorts itself out soon
Joanne. X


Hi Sunflowers23

I was about 6-8 weeks after a right mastectomy and I’m a right sided sleeper. I can’t sleep on my back at all.

I used a V pillow to lie on and turned more and more onto it as I was able to turn to that side. I gradually pushed the pillow away as I was able to get more and more on that side.

I stopped front sleeping years ago when the puppies got too big to lie on comfortably. :joy:

I hope you get comfy soon.


I forgot to say - I have a pregnancy pillow which I bought from John Lewis . Pregnant women use it to help them stay in one position while sleeping but I have one end between my knees and the other end to support my arm / shoulder - it certainly has helped after breast surgery and with sleeping with my shoulder injury .

Joanne. X


I had a lumpectomy on my left side, but I had bought a small pillow and managed to use that in a way that allowed me to continue sleeping on my side or my front almost immediately after the op.


I had a double mastectomy 1 year ago and was a side sleeper.
Firstly in order to sleep on my back I used a v pillow which stopped me from rolling over it was great really helped.
As time went by and I mean months i sleep on my side now but use a second pillow to “cuddle” it was recommended by a physio who says it helps with stopping your arm drop and crease your chest aswell as positioning you well if you suffer back problems.
You need to take your time but it will improve the cuddling pillow works !
Good luck


Dear Sunflowers23, Hello from a fellow side sleeper. It took me 5-6 weeks to be able to sleep on my left side. Before that I had 3 pillows under my head and one under my knees to be able to sleep on my back but I started to develop a sore on my tail bone. A cuddle pillow to protect my surgery side was helpful but my ribs below the surgery site do hurt a bit. I recommend lowering your head pillows bit by bit if you can. Hope you will be able to sleep better soon. I am how 7 and a half weeks post surgery and not fully healed so it does take time. With love and hugs from Tulip x


Thank you all for your replies, very similar experiences, so good to know I’m going the right way, I worried it was too soon. Yes got v shaped and other pillows and have been propped up and now gradually rolling on to side and getting comfy. Hadn’t used one to cuddle as such so now trying that and it’s helping too. I’ve had awful pain around rib cage front and back but think that’s just from trying to get comfy too. Thanks again :blush: