Hi folks,
4 nearly 5 months now of tests , still no definitive answer. Got breast MRI due to lump on scar incidental finding of gallstones and possible cyst on liver. Then got ultrasound which stated lesion looked suspicious. Then got ct which is saying possible haemangioma , now to get liver MRI , aaaargh!!! Cannot cope up until now I have managed to work but today stayed in bed!! Any thoughts welcome x
Hi Powergen
It is very difficult going through all the tests. I went through ct, ultrasound, MRI and was eventually dx with a small met on my liver although I’m told until my chemo has finished they can never be sure. If it stays the same its a possibility it is the haemangioma they thought it was orginally but they have to treat it as if it is cancer. For me it all happened very quickly from being told I had BC to a right breast mx straight to liver met then straight to treatment. I will be on Herceptin and Pertuzumab forever but the way I think about it is my BC was aggressive and the small met in my liver has a good chance of becoming NED and the drugs will keep anything else at bay. I thought I had a death sentence but after talking to everyone here I no longer believe that, I just have to except I will always be on a treatment. Many ladies become NED after treatment and stay that way (read BLONDIE in inspiring stories) and continue to live normal lifes. I know Herceptin ladies that have been ten years now NED and there are still more treatments coming onto the market. But there is a very good possibility that you have haemangiomas because I was told by my onc that they show a similiar pattern to cancer which is why it is so difficult on scans to tell the difference which is why treatment and time is the only way of knowing for definiate. But even then I think I would prefer to stay on the Herceptin just incase.So please don’t think the worst its a very good chance its not cancer but they have to follow precedure. I’m still going through chemo but there is still the possibility its not cancer but I am grateful I am getting the best treatment I can have. I know its hard not to worry but I now know when I feel down I have a really good cry then pull myself together and get on with my life because I am grateful they found it in time and I have lots to live for. So do you. Big hugs.x
I really hope it’s a haema-whotsit, the CT’s are pretty good, so fingers crossed for you. if I were you I’d stay in bed, turn on the telly and east chocolate!! Or go for a run, whatever tickles your fancy!!!
Hi Powerjen,
I remember how difficult it is going through all the tests. I had a long time between the first suspicion of mets and something finally being found on scans. But also really hoping for you that it’s a haemangioma, and I remember that I had something that showed up on a CT scan of the liver a few years ago which they weren’t sure about but which turned out not to be mets. Hope you can hang on to the hope and distract yourself as much as possible while you wait for the MRI and results.
Best wishes,
Tournesol x
Hi Powerjen. It may be worth requesting a PET/CT scan as the PET element shows any cancer at a much earlier stage. You get injected with a radiotracer which basically ‘lights up’ if a suspicious lesion is actually cancer. Used in conjunction with the CT, it can be more accurate and show things up earlier. Good luck and hope that yours turns out to be a haemangioma. X
Hi folks,
Thanks so mu ch for the replies, it helps a lot. Went to my GP who looked at all the results, 2 lesions on liver, nodule on lung which they think is nothing to worry about. Only abnormal blood was raised gamma gt. Have MRI tomorrow. The ct scan was done with contrast is that different from a pet scan?
I can’t help but think for them to say it looked suspicious on ultrasound is going to be bad news yet ct was inconclusive it said hemangioma,
Yet another crap weekend ahead! Waiting for results. X