Hi Ladies
Those of you who regulary look on the forums and esp this section will know I have arm & breast lymphodema, I am going to the Gambia in November and wondered if any of you have any tips/advice re those pesky little mozzies I will obviously have the anti malaria meds before I go and take a mozzie net and sprays etc , but does anybody have any extra little snippets of advice they could give to try and keep the little blighters at bay, any weird or wonderful ideas fully appreciated, bar covering myself from head to toe as that would play havoc with the hot flushes
Love L x
Hi Lottie,
I’ve heard that Avon Skin so Soft is very good as an insect repellent though this is not it’d intention.
Your trip sounds amazing!
Rattles, x
Just returned from another holiday and used Avon skin so soft, been using it for 2 years and never been bitten.
I have heard that eating marmite helps. Apparently they don’t like the smell emmitted from your sweatglands - although imperceptible to the human nose!
Have a great trip, sounds fab!
Hi there,
Following on from riversidedawn, have heard high dose vit b capsules also change how you smell to them vit b is excreted thru the skin. No replacement for anti-malarials, nets and creams but maybe wirth a try
Have an awesome time.
LL xx