I was last week diagnosed with G3 BC, a lump 3-4cm in size. As you all will know, it came as a shock, especially as the doctors were convinced it was nothing to worry about! To be honest, the doctors explained a lot to us, but my husband seemed to take more in than me, as with each visit to the hospital so far I have been an emotional wreak. I am on HRT due to hysterectomy 9 years ago, and its been confirmed that there is no link (HER2Negative, is this right?). Still trying to understand it all. Due to the size of the lump we have agreed to start chemo first to reduce it and then operate later all being well. It is hoped that if all goes according to plan, I will have a breast reduction at the same time as lump removal. I am due to start chemo within the next 2 weeks. Very scared.
I registered with this site last night and managed to get about 15 mins on the live chat. In the last week I have done nothing but cry, and seem to find it hardest telling someone for the first time. Each day is getting easier, but I still find it hard accepting this, especially as I have lived with other health problems for the last 17 years.
Anyway, if any of you that were talking to me on the chat last night manage to read this, I would like to say a big, big thank you to you all. You made me feel so welcome, I am glad I decided to join you all. I went to bed last night and felt something had changed, and a little stronger, knowing I am not the only one going through this mess, and there are many others going through exactly the same, if not worse.
I would love to chat to anyone willing and hope we can give support to each other, believe me, I need it!
You are a great bunch of people, keep up the good work.
Hiya Debs
Welcome to the site no one really wants to join! - But I’m glad you’ve found us because believe me you will get a ton of support on here. I know I did - and still do.
I was diagnosed last November with a 3cm lump, and had to have a right mastectomy and lymph node clearance. Following the op, I was told it was Grade 3, I had 5/11 lymph nodes affected and her2+++ and would need chemo and radiotherapy and herceptin.
At the time it was all just so much to take in. However, all of it is do-able - as I am sure others on here will tell you.
I have now had 4 x chemo, 20 rads sessions and am about to finish (on 14th May!) the last of current 4 x chemo. then I just have herceptin to go for a year.
Throughout every stage I received tremendous support on here from people who have been through or are going through it. It has been such a help. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how supportive or loving your family are (and mine - hubby, daughters of 21 and 10 - were wonderful) - they will never truly understand all the ups and downs in the same way that another ‘sufferer’ does!
There are several good threads on here giving tips for going through chemo etc - and what stocks you should have in!
Feel free to ask anything - there will always be someone ready to give advice or just to listen when you want to rant (and you will believe me !)
take care
Margaret x
Hi Debs
sorry to hear your news and welcome to the site. i was diagnosed on march 12th and like you it came as a shock because i was told they didn’t think it was anything to worry about. i am grade 3 with a 2cm lump. i have had a lumpectomy but test showed they don’t have it all and have to get a second op next week with removal of all lymph nodes. when i was told i was to get the 2nd op i nearly passed out. i also have to have chemo and radio but mine is after surgery. i have had comfort and support from this site and i hope you will too. take care.
Hi Debs
I would just to say also how invaluable this site has been for me in terms of support and information. I think the variation in the topics is brilliant ranging from serious debates to a bit of light hearted banter and games. It also gives you an insight into how others cope despite the dreadful disease and manage to make some sense out of it all. Good luck with all your treatment and I shall look out for your news
Hi Debs
I see you have already received some support and advice from our users and I am sure you will receive lots more.
I have given here a link to a Breast Cancer Care publication Resources Pack which can be ordered on line, it is filled with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available and I hope you find this useful too.
Please also remember that you are very welcome to contact our helpline for confidential support, a listening ear and any information that you may need during this difficult time.
The helpline number is 0808 800 6000 and is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.
Kind regards.
Hi Debs
I dignosed on the 25th April the day after my brother’s funeral now a week on it feels like a dream. I joined the sight last week and found it comforting. I am due to start 6 seessions of chemo on the 9th May and then surgery if all goes well in sept. I am scared and as an active person I know that my life style will change. I have found telling and supporting other people difficult. Emotions all over the place but I am taking each day as it comes. Today the sun is shining and I will walk on the beach with a good friend and will laugh and cry all in the same minute.
I feel that margaret is right as I have already started to rant about the lenght of time it has taken to dignose.
I am sure that we are in for a rough time and we will never be the same but will that be so bad we don’t know and that’s the scary bit.
Look forward to how you are doing.
hi all
many thanks for your replies so far. I am sitting here at this moment crying my eyes out, as the dreaded call has just come. I am to start chemo next wednesday. I am terrified at what lays ahead. On top of this all, I have had to see doctor this morning, as I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and need to be taken off one of my drugs, and my HRT. The medication I need to take to flush my system of this drug quickly offers side effects of constipation, the opposite to this!, nausea and vomiting! This is before the chemo starts! Although I am dreading this all, I just want to get it started too, and start ridding myself of this horrible thing.
Will keep you all updated and wish me luck.
Maggie, I thought it was bad enough being diagnosed 2 days after my twins 18th birthday, but you are going through just as bad. Seems we are going through a similar process. Good luck and hope to stay in touch.
Thank you all again
HI Deb,
I was dx last Oct , day before my wedding, mine was 6cms, so too started chemo first, had to cancel honeymoon to start straight away,It is a hard road and like you I was crying at every hospital visit, so emotional.You will get through this with help from family and the ladies here.There is always someone who can relate to what you are going through.
Try to stay strong
Take Care
thank you Mary
sorry to hear about your news. must have been terrible for you. I do feel that this site is going to have a lot to do with helping me to get through this. I am already gaining more strength. Get the first chemo out of the way and I will go in there fighting! It had better watch out!!!
Thats the spirit.My bc nurse said to me at the start that the cancer will take over a part of your life but don’t let it have it all.So I let it have my honeymoon but I would not let it have my wedding day.We had a fantastic day had a couple of days away and came back fighting to start chemo.
I have to tried to keep that approach and although its not easy it has helped
Good luck to all of you - I was dx almost a year ago, and have come through 2 bouts of surgery, chemo and am now on rads.
If someone had told me at the start that I would get through it, I never would have believed them, but it is amazing what you are capable of. It does get better, some days are worse than others, but if you take all the support you are offered you will come through. This site is fantastic, I am always popping back to it, though I feel a bit cheeky as I donlt come on to offer support, only when I have a problem! Will try to rectify that once I am through the treatment!
Hi Debs, just to let you know there is light at the end of the long tunnel, I am 2 years post dx. Grade 3, 4 cm lump, triple neg, had the complete works ! Now I am on annual checks, just had my 2 year mammo, all clear.
I too was terrified at the thought of chemo, I even chose to have it, how mad is that:-) Fear of the unknown is a common thing, but it does get better, i promise.
Good luck girls
Elginquine, just to let you know I am a Brochquine. Live in England now tho, but still go home:-) People will think we are mad !!
Hi Marge
Cant believe I opted for chemo first, considering how terrified I am of it. We have to take the advice of the experts, and when they explained the reasons, we feel its the right move. Mentally I think seeing the lump shrink will do wonders for me and give me confidence to carry on fighting. I just need to get the first two out of the way, which I believe are the hardest. Am already receiving offers to sit with me after the session, just in case, as hate being on my own when sick, and husband should go to work at some time!! Hopefully, in a few months time, we will be wondering what all the fuss was about! not!
Really glad all has gone well for you. I hope I can one day be saying what you have to someone else who will be put in my position. You dont realise just how many people out there are going through it all with you and how supportive everyone can be for each other. This site will keep me occupied for many hours.
many thanks
Debs, I can also tell you that I had 6 sessions of EC chemo, after my op, and was never sick at all. I took all the steroids and antisickness pills for a few days after chemo .In fact I was quite well all thro it. Started getting tired after the third session and that got progressively worse with each session. By the time I had finished my 15 rads I was shattered. Just the thought of doing any housework made me ill
Actually receiving the chemo is not that bad, the staff are all very kind to you, and once the cannula is in situ, it’s a dawdle !
You’ll do it girl !!
Debs, u have seen what people have said
i am another who is there behind u.
None of us want treatment… some of us do ok doing it.
Hello Debs, i’m about to go throught it all too… i’m there with you honey!
My op is on 12th May, chemo month after, rads after that. at least I know all this before op so hopefully no suprises. mine is ER & PR neg but herceptin pos. Haven’t discussed that with anyone yet.
I’m feeling ok - managing ok. I’m 44, have 3 kids (15.13.& 3) and lovely husband.
I’m most dreading the energy thing and the hair loss… call me vain…!!
Big love to you Td x
I’m so glad i decided to join - reading everyones comments is comforting & hopeful- if that makes sense.
I have just had to go through two operation in two weeks!!! (Sure I’m going to be given my own bed soon!!) Now waiting again for more results.
Have had lumpectomy first - which came back as positive for cancer - so had more tissue removed (not sure there can be much more there to take) and a sample of lymph nodes. Can’t believe how sore it is under my arm - frustrated at not being able to do all that I could (we have horses - so have to reply on kids to do all the lifting) cant ride at moment either which doesn’t help.
Think I’m coping ok mentally - not bothered about telling people - want to get that out of the way in a sense. Then I flip and start bawling my eyes out!!!
Am hoping the lymph nodes come back clear - but can’t seem to be positive - so spend time wishing next wednesday would get here quick. Seem to have bypassed April completely.
I know I will cope - but just occasionally I waiver. luckily i have very good support from family and friends
Hi all
cant believe how much support I am getting. thank you all so much. Starting to come to terms with it all. Had hair cut the other day, don’t ask why! last one for a while. Re: the hair thing, I really wasn’t bothered about that side of it at first, and didn’t believe I would have the chemo that caused it (was told by a friend that there were two types). When they confirmed I would lose it though, I was a bit shocked, but my 18 year old daughter is having a good laugh with me and making jokes about borrowing my wig if she has a bad hair day. Have been in touch with a hairdressers regarding one, but may go through the hospital instead. Scary thought, wearing one, but determined not to be housebound, so if thats what it takes. Glad to hear some of you got through chemo with no or little sickness. hope I am one of them!! Being tired doesn’t bother me as I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, have had it for 18 years, so I live every day tired anyway! good excuse to get out of cooking!! Just spend my time laying on the sofa watching the t.v.
Big hugs to you all back. stay in touch
Tried to access the link you mentioned about, but cannot do it. Please could you advise on how to order that pack?
many thanks