I am concernedabout loss of strength if I have this op. I have pride in being a strong woman who can lift and carry for herself. I also like hiking and scrambling up craggy hillsides. If you’ve had this op and you are similar in your activities, I would be interested to hear how you’ve got on. My alternative is DIEP. Thanks!
Hello Ninianne,
So sorry to read that you are needing bi-lateral reconstruction. I had unilateral (non-dominant side) LD reconstruction about 18 months ago. I am a keen hillwalker and just this weekend climbed (walked up) Ben Nevis for BCC. I feel that my arm on that side is less strong than it was, and I find if I walk with poles I get a very ‘stiff’ boob the next day! I can lift up to around 5kg bags one handed, with that arm, but have been told not to go above that due to lymphoedema risk; you may not have that concern. Likewise, I’ve been told never to lift anything over 1.5kg above head height that side. I carry a 30l daypack quite happily and with the approval of medical professionals, but have been told not to carry a full pack any more. I’m not sure if you climb (as in proper ropes ‘n’ things) but I was told that’d be out for me, along with weight-bearing exercises like press-ups that put all your weight through your arm or use it as a lever.
We are all different, and your strength may be far greater than mine to begin with, and you may be naturally less cautious. For all I am trying to avoid triggering lymphoedema, I’m not going to make myself miserable. I hope you get some helpful advice, ideally from someone who has had a double reconstruction. I *think* DIEP is often less of a long term nuisance for sporty types where arm strength/stability matters. There is a lady called RoadRunner who is a very sporty type who posts on here - you could PM her and I’m sure she would help you.
Thank you RevCat, that is really helpful.
Kind regards