Looking for people to share their positive experiences about the Forum for World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day is coming up next month (13 November), and we’d like to use the opportunity to celebrate the kindness that those within the breast cancer community show to one another.

If you have found support, comfort or kindness from someone on the Forum, we’d love to hear about it. Perhaps someone sent you a heart-warming message after hearing you’d had a bad day, or went out of their way to find some helpful resources for you.

Comment below with your experiences, or drop us a line at moderator@breastcancernow.org if you’d like to tell your story in more detail.

Your comments may be used in a blog about our Forum, so let us know if you’d rather keep your username anonymous. Thank you!

I’d like to recognise Community Champion Shi for her constant positivity - sending regular hugs , hearts and dancing emojis to cheer people up particularly to those starting the very scary chemo journey. X 

I’d like to make two nominations, though really I could go well into double figures:

  1. The nurses’ telephone service. I rang in early December 2020 after getting nowhere with my GP and I can’t remember the name of the nurse I spoke to but she listened, considered and then gave me advice that literally has saved my life. I would have ignored my problem further but I ended up seeing an oncologist in person the next day. It eventually led to a diagnosis of secondary (TN) breast cancer. It’s not a happy ending as such but I am so grateful for that advice.

  2. Evie-S, community champion. She has supported me throughout my time on the site, recognised my contributions but also read between the lines and has made sure I know she’s there for me,  with sound advice, sympathy and advice where required but, above all, respect. Respect for my privacy, respect for me as a person, respect for me as a woman with SBC. It has been sooooo appreciated. I was going to leave the site and focus on my treatment but she made me realise I can still make a contribution - my experience hasn’t changed.

Oh my, where to start.  The Forum became an additional form of medication for my mental and emotional health.  More a lurker than a poster.  Did post relevant to my dx, pregnant with cancer, but the forum, as a whole, was such a source of information and support. A place where friendships blossomed, stories were shared, strong views held and debated, the heartbreak of loss ever present.  Though it wasn’t easy at the time, I look back at my time on the forum with fondness and am so grateful to everyone involved. A place where I can dip in and out, even after all this time.  I think I made it through several format changes too.  Now they were a source of controversy I seem to remember So, to BCN (BCC back then) to those who knew of me, the BCN community (past and present) and of course, to absent friends, thank you