Looking for some support


My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in November. She is at present under going chemo. Doctors are happy with the treatment so that’s good news. Sadly just over a week ago my grandfather suddenly passed, my mums father. I live with my mum and dad so when my grandad went into hospital we were advised not to be there due to the risk of bringing an illness home. 2 days into hospital he passed.

This has left a lot of guilt on my mum, dad and myself.

Just looking for advice on dealing with my mum and bereavement.

Thanks x

Hi, In november last year my mum passed away very very suddently, not at all expected I was just grieving for her and I was extremely close to her when I found a lump, last Friday I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer (I’m 39 years old) so I honestly can imagine what you and your family are going through. Its a terrible time for you all but try and stay positive although I know its easier said than done. My main goal now is to beat this ‘thing’ and get back to living my life as I was before last November. You sound a fantastic support for your mum and whilst it is very, very hard you will get through this I have only been on this forum for 2 days and I feel more positive already. keep your chin up and take care. X

This was my story in November of last year. Whilst I was undergoing chemo, my stepdad was admitted to hospital for a heart bypass, and he was in hospital for nearly a week before he died. Unfortunately, I was advised that I could not go visit him in the hospital and still feel a twinge of guilt, but I just remind myself that I would have got the biggest telling off from him if I had risked any infection just so I wouldn’t feel bad for not seeing him just before he died!!!

I’m sure he used to forget I’m 46 with a 24 year old son!! haha! So I try to remember the things he did that made me laugh a lot and push the guilt to the back of my mind. I know everyone deals with things differently, and so my best wishes are with you and all of your family, Simone xxx

Hi ginger

I’m sure your grandfather would rather you mum stayed home and stayed well rather than risked going to see him and becoming seriously ill herself or even at risk of neutopeanic sepsis which is life threatening.

I’m sorry for the loss of your grandad but I’m sure you and your mum will have lots of happy memories of him… Maybe you could find some photos of him and your mum in happy times… He may not have looked like the same happy healthy man she remembered before he died.

Not sure if something like this would help…

Also cruse

Sending love and hugs.

Take care
Lulu xxx


I want to say thanks to everyone who commented. Really has made me feel better.

Thank you x