Hi Moonsox,
Sounds like you have more than your fair share of shit to deal with right now but you also sound like you have great friends to help you deal with it all - worth their weight in gold aren’t they.
Have a great Christmas x
Hi Moonsox,
Sounds like you have more than your fair share of shit to deal with right now but you also sound like you have great friends to help you deal with it all - worth their weight in gold aren’t they.
Have a great Christmas x
Hi, yes it certainly is, it grows differently so is harder to detect fully on a mammogram is my understanding. I sometimes think it’s bloody typical to get the rarer one why can’t I be like everyone else!
I had an mri scan which showed I had it in multiple areas of the same breast but my ct scan of my chest and abdomen showed as clear after removal so my chemo is preventative and the radiotherapy is because i had involvement in 10 of the 11 lymph nodes. But fear not! There’s is light at the end of the tunnel, it’s so hard not to think of anything else in the waiting periods and I found those the hardest but you will get through it and once the treatment plan begins it’s really is a huge weight off as you then have a path to follow. X x
Hi Twinkletits!
Great name, i wish I’d chosen something like that! You’re in the worst part of the “cancer journey” by the sound of it. It’s like a roller coaster while you’re waiting to find out ‘how bad it is’. I’m so glad to be out of that stage now ( more or less) and into chemo cycles.
I had my diagnosis in September and had lots of ups and downs with the doctors planning ops and then immediately cancelling them.
The only thing i found helped at the time was listening to guided mindfulness sessions ( luckily i had been to some classes earlier this year so i already had some experience and routines in place). Telling people and trying to keep family and friends up to date too is so challenging when you don’t actually have a clue yourself while you’re waiting on test results etc.
Like many on here, i count my blessings it’s not as bad as it could have been, but it still feels surreal being someone with cancer. I sometimes find myself looking at others in the street thinking why not you? Why me? But that doesn’t really help! I shaved my hair off last week as it was falling out in droves. Once I’d gotten over myself it was very liberating!
Btw, ive got a HR2 negative boob cancer, stage 1 fortunately but waiting genetic testing results for the brca genes. 8 cycles of chemo, 4 cycles are weekly so 12 weeks of weekly chemo and immunotherapy, then another 4 cycles with 1 dose of chemo and immunotherapy every 3 weeks ( which will be bliss in comparison to now).
Weekly chemo is hard, the side effects hit me hard 2 days later and i struggle to stay upright, so tend to lie around mostly. Hard not to get upset on those days as it’s so frustrating and boring! But then it passes. The firs week is the worst as you don’t know the pattern and it feels like you’re never going to feel better again.
I find acupuncture is really helping with sleep and nausea, and fatigue to some extent. Definitely worth trying if you can afford it znd can find a good one.
I’ve just had my 5th week of weekly chemo and my tumour has definitely shrunk so good to know it’s working. I’ll be having a mastectomy and reconstruction in June, all being well. That I’m not looking forward to, but needs must- I’ve elected to have a mastectomy as i just don’t want any chance of it coming back. And of course if i do have the brca gene then i might not have a choice anyway, and might have to have a double mastectomy! Eek.
Anyway, sending you much love and strength.
It’s ok to laugh or cry, whatever gets you through this horrible bit of the journey.
Hi twinkletits, positive vibes hun stay strong , I bought an amazing wig very similar to my own hair no one knew
I felt more confident with hair than braving the bald
I had my eyebrows tattooed on before treatment an bought magnetic eyelashes to help me look like me, it wasn’t for vanity it was for me especially as I didn’t want to explain to people
an get pitying looks , I’ve always had a positive outlook on life an will continue to , be kind to yourself, take time to rest and eat small and often it’s very important but you must eat , I wish you all the best lovely keep talking an laughter is ALWAYS the best medicine, keep a journal it’s good to look back on a see your strength XX
Hi Tabby-Lou I’m sorry to hear what your going through, it’s a bloody nightmare but strength comes from within , I hope your doing ok an your chemo is manageable it’s accumulative so be prepared an be kind to yourself, I managed chemo fine it was months after radiotherapy came the dreadful overwhelming fatigue, I had herceptin for 18 months which left me with heart problems , I’m getting there finally , good luck an keep smiling
Nikks XX
Thanks for your message, not doing too bad, I’m on day 3 of the 3rd cycle and it’s not half as bad as it was the last 2 times but they did reduce my dose because of the side effects! So far I’m happy existing on naps and jacket potatoes! I have 2 young children so went out and bought a load of craft for this week knowing I wouldn’t be on top form but fingers crossed for a ‘normal’ Christmas, whatever that is these days
Hope your doing well, after radio I think I’m having letrozole, I think I dread the hormones most but jeez Louise I just want this cancer journey done now, be gone horrid thing and get me some boobs back . I think I’ve got a good couple of years yet before I’m at the end of my journey, especially with the BRCA2.
Wishing you all the best and hope the heart problem is manageable and doesn’t cause you too many problems going forward x x
Hi there twinkletits:rofl:i am new to all this malarkey as well
I have two fantastically supportive daughters and husband so i count myself extremely lucky
I also appear not to have symptoms i do get extremely tired thats it teally how about you?
I would have loved to have seen the removal also, I love all the blood and gore stuff…lol
I had my lumpectomy just two days ago, and feeling rather tender and sore still, keep popping the pain killers tho and doing my exercises like a good girl.
Still smiling
Hope you are doing ok after your surgery. Take your time to recover, great that you’re doing your exercises, they really help especially if you need radiotherapy.
Make sure you have some senna or lactulose as the co codamol can cause constipation. I hope you are delegating for Christmas and make the most of being waited on.
Hi Tabby-Lou
Hope your ok hun , think your right about couple of years , I’m 2year on now and I’ve started to look an feel more me but still get tired, I’ve got a 3year old girl like a tornado keeps me going, heart issues are bit rubbbish but I feel fine , hope all goes ok on letrozole, an rest of treatment take care xx
Ps Tabby-Lou
You must eat no matter what small and often, naps hell yeah with young kids you have to, take care xxx
Hi twinkletits hope you’re ok and had a good Christmas
keep smiling XXX
This a really bizarre time, but despite it all I found time to laugh. When I went for my MRI scan they said -now we will mark the position of your nipples. I was expecting some special pen, then she taped a couple of caster oil capsules to my nipps. They didn’t even face the same way! I said “seems pretty high tech here” - stony silence, Ha Ha! Lots of others if you want cheering up. X
yes, Evening Primrose Oil capsules for me and a strip of micropore tape each side, but oh so weird and unexpected. It made me laugh too. I’ve had three MRI scans now, but still have a joke with the nurse about them every time.
Hello everyone
I like you lot immediately. I’ve just joined. I tried starting this journey so positive and zen and now after yesterday’s news that it’s in two of my lymph nodes (and I’m HER2 positive), I’ve turned into a blabbering wreck again. You guys are actually making jokes and I need some laughter back in my life. It suddenly left the building on 9th November when I got my first diagnosis. I’d like to coax it back and I feel like this might be a good starting point.
I’ve got some way to go and laughter would really help.
This is so funny. I had my CT scan for radiotherapy before Christmas and when they were going to tattoo the three dots, I asked if they could do requests. They all laughed out loud and said sorry just a dot and they weren’t very good a drawing.
When we finished they praised me for my breath hold and I asked if I got a sticker! They looked at me weird and then I said I worked in a primary school and we gave stickers for being good at something. They said it’s something they would consider.
Funny how we try to make light of this situations.
The holes are pretty small as well. Don’t know what you do if you have really big boobs!
So I’ve got the Freddie Mercury song ‘Barcelona’ as an ear worm in my head, the only difference being, my brain’s version sings ‘my seroma’ instead of Barcelona!
Oh my goodness- I’ve been feeling really sorry for myself today, and that’s really made me laugh! Thank you!
Suedot…I was particularly fond of that song!
My seroma
It was the first time that we met
My seroma
How can I forget
The moment you popped up under my arm
You took my breath away!
Yes…strangely it works.