loss of libido

Hi everyone. I’m new to the site and would like some advice. I have spoken to my GP and Oncologist without a satisfactory response. Spoke to my BCN who suggested I try a forum so, here goes. I was diagnosed in June 2005 at the age of 32 and underwent 6 months of chemo, 3 weeks of daily radiotherapy, bi-lateral mastectomy and now take Tamoxifen. I have 2 young children who were 18 months and 4 at the time of diagnosis. Am now finally feeling like I am back to some kind or normal. Energy levels better although I do get times when I have to give in and take it easy. Am still having periods although they are getting further apart, are lighter and only go on for a few days. I have had a blood test which indicated my oestrogen levels were low and if this went on I would go through the menopause prematurely. I experience hot flushes and mood swings. Vaginal dryness is not a problem as yet as lubrication seems to work. However, my sex drive/desire is practically non-existent. I was never rampant before but now I have some energy I would like to enjoy some sort of sex life instead of giving in for the sake of my husband. It is like someone has just switched me off! I asked about herbal remedies but my Oncologist was not keen as my cancer was hormone receptive. I have heard that plant based progesterone gel rubbed into the thighs can help. Anyone tried it?

Dear Emma

Welcome to the forums, this is a concern frequently discussed on the forums and I am sure your fellow forum users will offer you valuable support, advice and information very soon. You may also find Breast Cancer Care’s publication ‘Sexuality, intimacy and breast cancer’ helpful to read, you can read it via the following link: breastcancercare.org.uk/docs/bcc_sexuality_0.pdf
Kind regards
Breast Cancer Care