Lost for words

hi, I am Sarah, age 42, diagnosed 14/1. I had a wide local excision last Friday and a week on am sore but coping physically. Struggling with anxiety and emotions up and down. Biopsy results indicate no lymph node involvement, small tumour, surgeon tells me totally curable but I’m still scared. 

Hi Sarah

I was diagnosed 13th jan after recall for routine mammogram.  Pre op on monday and surgery on 8th. Seems like its about some one else because I dont look or feel any different. I have been told I will need radiotherapy but all should be fine as caught early. Still scary though, only time in hospital has been to have kids so hate the fact that I am going to worse before I feel better.



I had my wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy last Friday also. I’m healing well just absolutely knackered! I don’t have my results yet have an appt on the 8th to discuss results and further treatment. Your news is great, but understandably your scared it’s a lot to get your head around! Have you to have radiotherapy?

Everything you are feeling is totally understandable and natural. It’s a scary thing to have to deal with. I’m 52 and was diagnosed in November following routine mammogram screening. Mine is/was grade 2 invasive (as 2/9 nodes were affected)
Being told it’s totally curable is great, but it is still a shock and your mind does like to go into overdrive I found! My advice would be to stay away from Google!! This forum is the best place to be as a sounding board to get stuff off your chest, to get support and advice.
Take care x

Very surreal. I’m propped up in bed only comfy lying down with the swelling. We didn’t see it coming either! Everyone I saw wasn’t worried but went back for results on 11th Jan and bam! Everyone’s struggling to get their heads around it. It helps when you know what’s happening next. It’s the waiting for results that’s the problem not knowing what’s to come next. You’ll slowly come to terms with it all! X

 I have been told radiotherapy will be six to seven weeks after surgery assuming all healed and that results  are all ok. Cant get my head round going from its all ok to all the obstacles that could be there had no concept of how long the process was going to take. I feel really positive ( most of the time) occassion wobbles but have been told by my nurse that is normal. 



Its so true that Google is  not a good idea, hearing from others actually going through the same is the best support.  X

I’m Definitely going to have radiotherapy. My needle lymph node test was negative and they think they’ve taken enough healthy tissue away in the wide local excision but it’s all about the microscopic tests to whether chemos needed this is the worrying part x

Feeling really wobbly tonight, panicky feelings just won’t go away. No matter how positive things seem I’m terrified that they’ve got it wrong and I don’t want to leave my family, my husband and daughter need me and I planned a long and happy life. Trying to get a grip on myself but finding it hard tonight ?

It’s a normal reaction. There’s plenty of people on here who have felt / are feeling exactly the same way! Be strong xx

Hi Sarah


Hope you are feeling a little calmer today, its awful when the fear takes over. Its terrible when you feel like you cant control the negative feelings. I keep reminding myself that 99.9% of the cells in my body are all working together to get me and keep me well its only 0.1% of the cells that have started the rebellion and those little buggers are going to be removed and any that are around them are going to be zapped to make sure they dont get any ideas about causing trouble.  


We all have to find what ever way of thinking about it that gets us back to the positive because in my mind its the only way we can get through this. I dont think that until you diagnosed you actully realise why people always say that you have to fight cancer its a mental battle as much as a physical one.


I am sure that there will be many of the lovely ladies on here who will also offer thier wise words and hopefully it will help. Xxx

Hi Sarah

I know exactly how you are feeling. I m having a mastectomy on Wednesday after a diagnosis of DCIS. Even though DCIS is non life threatening and the earliest form of breast cancer, i have to have this done as in different areas of breast and they cannot tell if or when it will ever turn invasive. I feel as if I have been in a nightmare for the last 6 weeks. I too have a 13 year old daughter and also a 8 year old and all I have said to them is that I have cyst that keeps getting infected. Big hugs to you and I m here if you need to talk x


Forgot to mention that we too are going to Florida on 26th March xx