Lost weight

Hi, I wonder if anyone can tell me if this is normal?
I was diagnosed with bc in July, and had a left mastectomy on the 9th August for invasive ductal carcinoma, er/pr + her-.
I knew that I had lost some weight, as a month before finding a lump I’d had a gastric bug, however I was a bit shocked at my pre-op to find that my weight had gone down from my usual 54kg to 50kg.
I had thought that I would regain weight after surgery, especially as I had to stop taking hrt, but this hasn’t happened (although I haven’t lost any further weight).
I am waiting to start hormone blockers and don’t need chemotherapy as there was no lymph node involvement and I had a low prosigna score.
I am definitely eating healthier since my diagnosis and all blood tests were fine.
I feel very fortunate that my cancer was caught early and I don’t need chemotherapy.
I’m assuming it’s be because I am eating better, with less sugar etc that my weight is not increasing, but I can’t help wondering if it is normal?

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Hey. Congrats on the weight loss, wven though its not the way you wanted to do it. I lost a lot of weight when I was having chemo. The fact that you Re making healthy choices will be the answer. Dont forget having cancer can cause a lot of stress on the body and this will result in weight loss too. If you get too concerned perhaps speak to your BCN but meantime keep up the good work!

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Between my mastectomy and chemo, I subconsciously ate healthier and lost weight. Ditto after chemo. I lost a bit of weight.

During chemo - well, I couldn’t shovel enough beige down me :joy:

Totally unBC related but for context. This summer I had a knee replacement and out of nowhere I cut the picky rubbish out. Again, not intentional. 4 months later and I’m still not raiding the cakes, biscuits, pounds of cheese and bread/toast with lashings of butter and I’m 5kgs down.

In both cases I reckon my body used more calories (my Fitbit confirms this) from healing and stress.

I’d not worry but if you are really concerned have a word with your BCN.

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Thank you Forest1865 and Gelbel, it helps to hear from others and I feel reassured that all is normal x

Hi sandy2

Thanks for your post.

Many people find that their weight changes around the time of their diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer.

This may, as @Forest1865 and @Gelbel say, be linked to the emotional impact of this or conscious or sub conscious decisions on what you choose to eat at the time.

Many women find their weight increases when they start to take hormone therapy.

However, as you’re wondering if this is normal, it would be a good idea to talk to your treatment team so they can offer you further advice or reassurance on this.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen to your concerns, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

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