lots pea sized lumps had breast implants

lots pea sized lumps had breast implants

lots pea sized lumps had breast implants Hi, found 3 or 4 small pea sized lumps in right breast few weeks ago near armpit, so scared lost so much weight already, doctor refered me to hospital now waiting game, i came off my hrt about 3 months ago and not had a period since, i had breast implants 2 years ago and never had any problems with them but keep thinking is it these that have caused it, has anyone else had similer problem, not had any pain or anything else thats different. thanks for your time, lynn.

Hi Lynn

Breast implants do not cause breast cancer. Breast cancer starts in the breast ducts or breast lobes, not the breast tissue itself.

The only link between implants and breast cancer is that they can make self breast examination a little more difficult as the implants can mask a lump making it harder to detect.

I’m not aware of any links between implants and benign breast lumps either, although I guess infection or some other relatively harmless thing could be the cause.

There are lots of things these lumps could be - most of them benign - so it’s best to try not to self-diagnose. I know the waiting is hard - I remember it well - but at the end of the day only a biospy can tell you whether the lumps are malignant or benign.

Good luck. I hope your appoointment comes through soon.

Lola x

Thanks Thanks Lola,

Nice of you to take the time to reply, guess when something like this happens you just think is it something ive done, having implants, drinking to much, not eating right, but guess its just unlucky !

The waiting is killing me, keep looking on the net but just making me worse, my best friend had her breast off this year and is doing great now so must look on the bright side and be positive but easier said than done.

Thanks for your time

Lynn xx