low platelets - chemo not an option

has anyone had secondaries and been unable to have chemo due to very low platelets? and if so, has anyone been given thrombopoietins to increase the platelets?
deb x

Have had a lot of chemo over the years. now on continous chemo. have had to miss chemo because of very low neutraphils. bur not platelets.
Have had transfusion for low red cells and I have an injection of neulaster after each chemo to boost white cells. Don’t know if this imfomation is of any help.
Marmite x

Just bumping this up…

sorry - what does ‘bumping this up’ mean?

Bumping up means just returning your thread back to the top. Sorry I can’t help with your question but hope someone that can sees this.

Hi Debi

Sorry you’re not getting many replies to your question. Perhaps the staff on the helpline here can help. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open M-F 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

Hope this helps. Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator