Low risk Dcis.

I was diagnosed with low risk Dcis in 2019. I don’t want any unnecessary treatment, for me having one breast removed would cause me greater emotional problems than removing both (useless lumps of fat anyway), they wouldn’t consider removing a healthy breast.

I don’t know how to move on and put this all behind me, I feel angry and tearful and fed up of putting a brave face on situation. I’m almost positive I wont be going back next year for follow up,it just churns it all up again.

Has anyone succeed in regaining normal body image,and relaxed about things? I can’t feel the same way about my breasts,wasn’t great fan anyway but now I can’t even touch them.

Hi @Chickpea  

Thank you for your post. We are very sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I’m sure someone will be along shortly to join your conversation.

If you ever want to talk things through, or find more support, our Breast Care Nurses are available on our free Helpline 0808 800 6000.

In the meantime you might be interested in our Someone Like Me services - the Someone Like Me phone service can put you in touch with a volunteer who can support you by telephone. You’ll speak to someone who’s had a similar experience to you, who has finished their treatment and has been trained to help. We also have a Someone Like Me email service where a volunteer will support you by email correspondence.

Best wishes
Social Media Officer

Hello Chickpea 

I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling. I can completely understand how you feel. I had low grade DCIS 12 years ago which was removed and followed by radiotherapy. During the surgery they found it was more extensive and very close to my chest wall. I hated that I had a deformed breast that was smaller than my other one. Eventually I was given a prosthesis to wear which made my clothes look normal again. I still struggled  with body image, I was single and couldn’t bear the thought of dating again and having to explain. Of course I did eventually date and it wasn’t anywhere as bad as I had imagined. 
now 12 years later at the age of 63 I have another DCIS high grade and am booked in for LWE and breast reduction. I’m quite looking forward to having 2 breasts almost the same size after all this time. My dilemma now is should I have a double mastectomy and recon? We don’t know how long these cells take to grow and they may never. I think for me I had to go with my gut instinct. Which is what I’m trying to do again. Talk to lots of people but ultimately you will know what’s best for you.
