Low white blood cells with Letrezole

I have been on letrezole for 3 months. I am currently on holiday in Australia and have had to consult a GP due to severe headache/vertigo. Blood tests were taken and showed my neutrophils were 1.9 on June 4th then 1.1 on 24th July. I can’t get rid of cough/nasal symptoms which I’ve had at least 6 weeks. I am back home on 13th August. Can I stop taking Letrezole?

Hi @lindag_1 I’m not sure anyone on the forum, other than the nurses, is qualified to answer the question ‘can I stop taking Letrozole’. If your question is ‘can I stop taking Letrozole for two weeks until I get home and can discuss it with my BC nurse” all I’ll say is I was given a 6 week break from it to sort out a SE about four months into starting it. Obviously no-one can force you to take it so I’d say it is up to you to decide if the benefit of stopping it for two weeks exceeds the risk of so doing.

Thanks for replying :slightly_smiling_face:

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