lower back pain all week

No I have not been doing any heavy lifting, but over last week have had pain in lower spine, well about 12cms above tail bone. Hurts all of the time and I have to move really carefully to prevent my yelping aloud! bc diog just under 3 yrs ago, WLE and rads now take Arimidex. So yes I will go to GP BUT I suppose I am thinking what it might be… Of course it could be just a dodgy back!!! Whatever that is, but…
I was wondering what others’ had experienced with this sort of thing.

I don’t know if this is any help but I have bone mets in my spine and had no pain at all - only dx’d by scans. Do get it checked out, but there are so many other things it could be, a disc problem maybe? Try not to worry too much - I know, easier said than done.

finty xx

Hi Alice…

Sadly its part and parcel of bc that we will worry about every ache & pain. But I think you are right to be concerned. Do you still have contact for check-ups etc. with your hospital team (onc/breast care nurse), or do you have to see your GP for referral back to them? I really do think you have to eliminate bc2nds as the cause in the first place. I do have extensive bone mets and it affects all my spine. It was originally dx when I complained of sciatica. I did go for a few years with very little pain but it is now a constant problem so even if your GP says it is probably nothing. Get it checked first.


Thank you finty and Dawn
It does seem that once bc cancer diog has been made, treatment done and dusted there will always be that extra concern with certain aches and pains.
Dawn you are right re getting things checked, I have to go via GP, have appointment on 23rd unless pain gets worse. Thought it was getting a bit better today until I went for a walk to local shop, so taking it easy.
Thanks again Alice

You may think me daft but wrote a lists of my phyical probs to GP so she should have a clear idea as to what my concerns are, assuming she reads the note! I have an awful memory. Back is not as bad but still hurts but not to the extent of not being able to bend over without a yelp.
Hotwater bottle has been helpful too.

Hi Alice

no experience of back pain like you but having my own questioning time so can empathise with how you’re feeling. Fingers crossed for you that it all works out.

Katie x

Thanks Katie
Back got worse again, may get earlier appointment with GP. Can’t do much at all when it gets bad like now, well I have a hot water bottle, need better pain killers : |

Alice, how long has your back been hurting?
You did your post initially over a week ago and my BCN says as a rule that if anything is painful or still there 2/3 weeks down the line it should be checked.
As you are in more pain now I would get that earlier appointment, you don’t want to be worrying any longer than necessary especially at this time of year…
big (but gentle) hug!
Katie x

Yes the rule of 2/3 weeks is a good one Katie.

GP sending my for back xray.

Not sure if this helps - and glad you are going to have x-ray but I started in Arimidex in Sept and had the worst back pains on left side for about a month - like sciatica and I just could not sleep for pat of the night once it started; even got a memory foam topper for my bed to try to alleviate the pain… it gradually went and then moved into right hip and hurt so much I could not put on socks or shoes and that “just went away” and moved into my arm and then jaw/head (hoping that this finally goes away now). How long have you been on Arimidex? I imagined all sorts of things as I have secondary mets in my bones - but the pains just disappeared and when I mentioned this to oncologist she said that sometimes happens. Good luck with x-ray

Hi Alice
Just to add that I get loads of back aches, particularly first thing in the morning which I am sure are down to Arimidex. I DO have bone mets so I know it’s not them playing up as they are not in that place and I had no pain before my bone mets were dx - hope this helps you.

Can i just ask those with bone mets. If there was no pain prior to being diagnosed with it how are you suppossed to know if you have it? My onc doesnt do routine futher investigations unless symptoms suggest there is a problem so how would i know??!! X

I am really not overly worried at this moment more likely to be to be thinning of bones as I was lower end of normal when I had base line dexa scan two years ago after switching from Tamoxifen to Arimidex! It seems from the various comments there is no hard and fast rule in terms of symptoms, we never know do we, but because we have prior history with bc hopefully Drs make sure things are followed up(WE HOPE) Makes me feel like a complete hypochondriac, not that I see gp very often these days, save up lots of things and throw them at her all at once. The back thing made me go in the end, could not put off. I am my own worst enemy.
Take care
Alice : )

Hi Weena

I have just been diagnosed with mets on the spine. It was found by a routine scan I had no pain at all. I mentioned at my follow up appt that I hadn’t had a bone scan and one was arranged which unfortunately showed up the hotspots. I was hoping for a clear scan and being able to put my mind at rest but this was not to be.

I think they will send you for a bone scan if you say you have had regular pain in one area for over 3 weeks.


Hi saffronseed

Its very scary to think that routine scans are often not done but yet there could be underlying problems going undetected. My BCN said a nagging back ache would suggest bone mets. How different to reality that is. Anyway merry christmas to you all. XX

X-ray tomorrow so will know a little more about what my body is up to! : (

Just to let you know that after a second opinion my first diagnosis of cancer to the spine was incorrect and I have a touch of arthritis. The consutltant said I would not get back pain with the small amount of arthritis anyhow.

hi s-seed
So pleased for you re the change in diognosis. I have yet to discover what my back prob. is. In addition today GP also referred me back for post meno bleeding again… so more prodding and scan and scraping!!