Lst chemo done and dusted

Hi All

Last TAX administered at 2.00 today…six sessions done and dusted.

Will be shortly moving over to the radiotherapy thread.

Wishing everyone who is still doing chemo the best of luck for the future.

Thanks to all that have given advice on this thread.


Wow, it must be such a good feeling to reach that milestone. My last one’s due in 2 weeks and it seems so far away…

Good luck with your rads, Anita. I wish you rapid hair growth & prompt relief of side-effects.


Well Done Anita
I too had my last one at the same time. Have just posted a longer note to you in your down in the dumps thread. Hope you are feeling better today.
Good luck with the rads, not something I’m having as had Mast but I’ll be ploughing along with Herceptin until next June!!! seems an age away.