Lump above mastectomy scar

Hi Has anybody had a reaccurance of DCIS following a mastectomy? I had my mastectomy in March this year due to extensive high grade DCIS and went straight on to tamoxifen with no other treatment required. I’ve now found a large thickening above my mastectomy scar and although the area is pretty numb following the surgery I have been having quite sharp burning sensations in the area and some discomfort as well as this over the last couple of weeks. I thought it was pretty impossible to get DCIS or anything else after a mastectomy, but I am now really scared again.

Debbie x

Hi Debbie, it sounds to me as if you may have some scar tissue forming, I have had similar and the plastic surgery team said this was what it was, I think you also tend to get quite a lot of different sensations going through the area due to the nerve endings healing.

Im 9 months down the line from my mastectomy and still get quite a lot of twinges.

Try not to panic too much as it wont do you any good. I was told by my breast cancer surgeon on my six monthly check up that I could only get a cancer of the skin on that side as there was no breast tissue left.

Contact your breast care nurse and have a chat with her, Im sure she will give you good advice.


Hi Lilymay

Thanks for your reply. I spoke to my breast care nurse this morning and she said that it was probably scar tissue as well and the same about the nerve endings, I’m going in on Friday for them to have a look just to make sure. It’s hard not to worry until then but fingers crossed. Thanks again.

Debbie x

Hi Debbie,

I’m the same…very lumpy on the top of my scar. My matectomy was 10 weeks ago. I’ve been using Bio Oil which has really improved the look of the ‘scar’…if you can improve the look…that is…:slight_smile:

Don’t worry tho’ it is as Lilymay says…scar tissue…
