Lump after breast surgery

Hi :slight_smile:


I had total duct excision surgery early summer to remove a papilloma, wound healed nicely and minimum change to breast shape but loss of nipple sensation which was to be expected. 


However a few days ago I have felt a lump above nipple in the areola area, could this just be scar tissue? It certainly feels like the papilloma did after my biopsy but I’m not so sure because of it’s position. 


I’d be grateful if anyone can offer advice. I’ve not told my husband yet as I don’t want to worry him, I suffer from health anxiety and panicking that I’m over reacting. 


Thank you

Bearcub x

I had all sorts of lumps and bumps for quite some time after my surgery so probably nothing to worry about ,but best get it checked out with your GP or you will just worry .