lump after reconstruction

Hi all
diagnosed in March last year. mastectomy,radiotherapy,left breast reduction,r sided pneumonia/pneumonitis[still under chest physcian]Diep reconstruction Jan 3rd 2012.unilateral sensorneurological loss of hearing due to anaesthetic.
Now have found a lump under recon towards armpit… Year checkup planned for beginning of April. Been to GP tonight who feels I need to be seen sooner rather than later.
Trying to stay upbeat for my family. Felt we were finally getting passed this year and now I feel I am back where I started. I am sure this will be fat necrosis but cant sleep and feel a bit weepy.

God Diane you have been through so much.

I’m glad your gp is getting a quick appt for ou as you would just be worrying otherwise… It could be scar tissue or fat necrosis which are not uncommon… Hope your appt comes through soon.

And keeping my fingers crossed its not a recurrence as sounds like you have had more than your fair share of troubles recently.

Lulu xxxxx

Hello Diane,

I am sending you a big cyber-hug. Dealing with the fear is so hard isnt it? There is no magic wand to take it away- dont feel like you have to be brave. Cry. Lots of treats. Be kind. It is that thing of ‘hope for the best, prepare for the worst’ Try to remember the things that went right, not just the things that went wrong.

(It is very ironic that I cant follow my own advice at all- I am sitting in bed with a 24 hour heart monitor. I had a terrible time post biltaral mastectomy op. - post op bleed, back to theatre, blood transfusion, intensive care, infection- oh, and then they tell me they found an occult cancer in right breast!!!). At least once a day, I fall into a big dark hole of despair and wonder if I will ever get better?

It sounds as though you did make a recovery after your post-surgery problems, hold onto all that you have survived. Have hope.



Hi Lulu and Rattles
thankyou so much for the posts . Dont think any one has an easy road and Rattles you sound like your having a horrendous time !I really hope things settle down for you soon.
sitting in the early hours your head can be blown off!
Just back from breast assessment …fat necrosis diagnosed !it is huge so needs surgical removal…at least that is something that I can deal with . I am so relieved.Going to have it done when they make my nipple as I have had so many anaesthetics in the past year advised to leave it 6 months [the diep took 11 hours hence the rare hearing loss]
I just want to add that throughout the last year I have followed your posts Lulu and I feel you are an inspiration and a fantastic support to many ladies on here
thank you and best wishes to you bothx

That is great news Diane! Very pleased and relieved. Make sure you do something nice to celebrate.
I have garduated from lying in bed to sitting some of the time. Still have to really focus on eating and drinking. Trying to increase my walking and doing a bit more.
Rattles, xx

oh diane that is great news… what a relief for you im so so pleased.

and thanks for the lovely comments too

love lulu xx