Lump after sentinel node biopsy?

Hi. 10 weeks ago i had skin sparing mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy. The SNB was done internally while the mas was done, so i didnt have a 2nd scar under my armpit. 3 weeks ago i had implant recon. The SNB revealed a micromet 0.9mm, grade 2 ILC and they arent unduly worried about further node involvment. However, I have just noticed what feels like a lump under my armpit. Is this normal, as it cant be seroma, even though i’ve just had 2 operations close together??? It feels hard, so maybe its internal scarring. Obviously, in the back of my mind i’m panicking, thinking ‘cancer’, even tho they say the cancer was removed.

Should i be concerned? 

I had a WLE and SNB back in October so did have 2 scars but after they healed I also thought I could feel lumps and panicked, but I’m assuming it was just internal bruising