Hi, Im 24 and I discovered a lump in my breast last week. I know I’m very young and that breast cancer is very rare in young women, however, my maternal Grandmother had breast cancer a few years back - three different types in both breasts, and at least one of them was the genetic kind. (I know this because my mother and aunties have been offered genetic testing - both declined, meaning i am not eligible for testing). As soon as I found the lump I went straight to my doctors, and she could also feel it. The site where it is was very tender when I went to see her. She told me that I needed to wait until after I had my next period and then come back and see her. My periods are very irregular since having the mirena coil fitted so she booked me an appointment for the 11th of August. However, over the weekend I had a period (they are very short) and the lump didnt go away, and I started to develop a sharp pain in my breast and armpit that comes and goes, and the lump site is still very tender. So I went to the walk in clinic at the surgery today and saw a different doctor who examined me, but she said she couldn’t feel the lump so asked me to show her where it was, I did, and found it, and she still couldn’t feel it! I didn’t really feel satisfied with her examination as it wasn’t how I’ve ever had them examined before, or how I have been taught to examine myself. Firstly, she didnt get me to put my arm above my head, and secondly she pushed VERY hard. Which since coming home and doing to myself (the way she did it) I’ve noticed that pushing hard just pushes all the breast tissue out of the way and I can feel my ribs beneith (I have very small boobs) so I’m not surprised she couldnt feel the lump. She told me to take pain killers and come back in six weeks. Im going to go back and see the original doctor on the 11th of august if its still there, but I’m just very concerned and need some reassurance that the second doctor didn’t examine me properly, because now I’m starting to wonder if it is actually there or if I am just imagining it!!!
Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated - Emily x