Lump at 37. BC likely?

Hi I don’t think I ever thought I’d be online writing in this type of forum at 37. I found a lump in my left breast late Monday night, checked by the GP and referred to Breast Clinic with appointment next Tuesday morning - fully expecting mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. Am absolutely petrified of what they will find. I have no pain and regularly check myself but this definitely doesn’t feel right. It’s about 2cm in diameter (not huge but I’m small chested) and now I’ve found it I can see where there is a slight swelling if I look in the mirror. It’s firm and weirdly I can only feel it with my arms above my head. I know it might not be cancer and I know there are lots of other things it can be but I just don’t know how many people my age find lumps that aren’t cancerous? None of my friends have found lumps and to make matters worse I have a very strong family history of prostate cancer. Obviously I don’t have a prostate(!) but it’s all genetic and may be the BRAC1 or 2 gene. I’m just about managing to keep the lid on my emotions during the day (have 2 children) but as soon as they are in bed, I’m on the computer trying to work out whether I am likely to have it or not - which is ridiculous as I know no one can actually tell me anything. My OH is away with work, back after the appointment and the test results. So worried about having to drop such an enormous bombshell on him on his return particualrly given his Mum died at 39. I don’t even know what I’m expecting anyone to say - just feel that all the info I can find is about pre menopausal women and over 50s. I don’t fall into either of those brackets and I haven’t just stopped breastfeeding. Seem to check myself 3 times a day to see if anything is smaller, bigger, changed in any way. Feel like I’m going mad!! Am I???

Hi Bels,

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care Discussion Forums. I’m sure other users will be along soon to offer support, but please do also feel free to call our helpline if it would help to talk to someone in confidence, they can offer information and a listening ear on 0808 800 6000. Lines reopen on Monday morning at 9am (9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays).

Take care

Anna, BCC Moderator

Sorry you find yourself here Bels. It is such a scary time, worrying and waiting. As you say, many lumps are benign and nothing to worry about. I have had a number of cysts, which sounds similar to the lump you are describing, but it is a sensible to go and get it checked out to let them scan / ultrasound and otherwise check to make sure that this isn’t anything which needs treating.

I went round the loop of getting things checked out many times - I seem to have lots of lumps and bumps and my mother had breast cancer young. The genetic possibility seems to be something which might be the case in a number of families but it doesn’t necessarily follow that you have a faulty gene - particularly you would often be looking for a pattern of breast cancer among the females if this was a BRCA gene link, but again, it may be something you decide to check out if this is something which you would rather know. I am just about to have genetic testing myself, although my pattern is not as strong as some.

It is possible to be unlucky and be diagnosed at any age, young, middle aged or older but a majority of lumps turn out not to be sinister. If it helps at all, the process I went through was to ask for an urgent appointment with a GP who agreed that there was a lump and referred me to a clinic to have it checked within a couple of weeks. Some times these are “one stop” and can get you the results of scans straight away, but even if it takes a few weeks, it is definitely best to get this checked out. Remember, horrible though it is to go through this, that even should the news not be good, that many people who are diagnosed are treated successfully and put breast cancer behind them. Sending hugs xx

80-90% of lumps are benign - so hopefully you will be in that group! Unfortunately though, it does strike us young ones. I was diagnosed at the age of 33 and the youngest girl I met was 24, so it is important to be diligent and get any changes checked out no matter what age you are.
I really hope the appointment goes well and that it’s nothing dodgey. If it is, we will be here to hold your hand.
Everything crossed for good news.

Hi Bels.
Sorry you find yourself here. Unfortunately I can’t tell you whether or not your lump is bc but I didn’t want to just read and Run. I know it’s hard not to google but try and stick to this site or Macmillan as a lot of the info on the Internet is misleading. I hope you get good news on Tuesday. Make sure you take someone with you and ask lots of questions so you don’t come away none the wiser :wink:
Let us know how you get on.
Hugs Emma x

Thank you MaryGrace, Sandytoes and Melrose15. Such a support to be able to speak to other people who get it - huge relief. I am trying not to google - realised there’s no point because everyone keeps on contradicting eachother!! Whilst I don’t want to be having an appointment on Tuesday I actually wish it was sooner. The sooner I go, the sooner I’ll know and if it’s bad news then the sooner I can get rid of anything. It’s the waiting I’m hating. Still just got to get my head down and get on with it and stop prodding myself!!! Thank you lovely ladies for being so quick to respond. You’ve made a real difference to me. xx

Hiya bels, I am really sorry to read about your current worries. It sucks, I know. I was diagnosed in march 2010, with no family history, after finding a lump and going to the breast clinic. But since then I know 4 of my real world friends my age who have had scares (mainly cos I make them check their breasts now!) and they have all gone through the breast clinic tests and their lumps have not been cancerous. So chances are it will be ok but, if it is cancer, then you’ve done the right thing getting it checked and there are loads of treat,nets which are usually successful! Take care and keep us updated xxxx

Ps. I was 36 when diagnosed and am 39 now x

Thank you Tors - keeping myself VERY busy until tomorrow morning as trying not to think about it. Just need to get it over with now. Thank you for your message - keeping fingers crossed. Think of me at 8.30 tomorrow morning. Will let you know how I get on. Hope you are well now xx

Dear Bels,
Just reading the thread. Good luck tomorrow. x

I started to find lumps iny breasts in my thirties. I was horribly anxious the first time, but it turned out to be a cyst.

This happened a couple of times since, but one can never be complacent. I was much reassured after my first, when a colleague told me she had had loads of cysts, and they were nothing to worry about, but should be checked if they didn’t disappear after two cycles. In later years I heard she had gone on to have mastectomy, so I presume one of her cysts turned out to be not so benign!

When I found my lump last summer, aged 52, I was 99% sure it was “just another cyst”, but got it checked, and was gobsmacked to find it was in fact a cancerous cyst!

In summary, I’d say the odds are in your favour that it is benign, but you are absolutely doing the right thing, getting it checked. Fingers and everything’s crossed for you!!
