Lump at back of neck

Hi everyone


I found another lump at the back of my neck and I am absolutely petrified. I have been researching about this and am getting very paranoid. The lump feels very small about the size of a pea. I can’t quite work out if it is painful or not as I have been prodding it for the last two hours.


Has anyone had a similar experience?. I’m getting a headache just thinking about what this could mean. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in mid September after finding a small lump in my breast and i am waiting to start chemo. I had a lumpectomy and it turned out to be a very small tumour of 14mm.  I had two lymph nodes taken out and they were clear of cancer cells so I am wondering if they missed something or worse it could be another form of cancer.



Go straight to your GP, and phone your breast clinic for a quick appt.

The likelihood is that this NOT more cancer, and you need to have your mind put at rest immediately. Quick appts are precisey for that, so make fuss until you get to see someone.

AND DO NOT GOOGLE IT you will just drive yourself bonkers.

All the best


i ve got a lump in my neck too and i ve been told that it s a lymph node which they wanted to biopsy however they decided to biopsy my neck first as they say i ve got a tumor pressing against my aorta…I wish i had something reassuring to say but i m sitting here in tears sorry!But from my understanding the lump on neck is definitely a lymph node i hope that helps best of luck