Lump felt but doesn't show on ultrasound or mammogram

I found my 3rd lump in 16 years a week ago last Friday. It is very obviosly there and easy to feel. GP sent me for test. Went last Thursday. Consultant can clearly feel it and orders mammogram and ultrasound but didn’t think a biopsy would be needed. Mammogram done, then wait for ultrasound (all at same appointment). Consultant doing ultrasound can also feel the lump, but says it doesn’t show on the mammogram and can’t see it on the screen. She actually says “if I hadn’t felt it then I would say you didn;t have one!”. Says all she can see is some disturbance in the tissue so does 3 biposies. Back to consultant who says its strange and they are not happy with the ultrasound. End result could be something or nothing. Get results a week on Tuesday. Has anyone one else had this?

Hi C,unfortunately. there do seem to be situations where the docs are just not sure what they are looking at ,inconsistencies, things that don’t quite make sense from the tests.This can be good or bad news.I was told by the radiographer he was not worried about what he saw but did biopsy to be sure ,turned out to be cancer,but I have spoken to a number of ladies who had the opposite experience ,told it was very probably cancer but turned out not to be anything to worry about .Fingers crossed for you .Jill.

Hi CHRC, I had a similar situation to you. I had a dimple in my breast and was referred to the hospital To cut a long story short, I had extremely dense breast tissue and although had two tumours which were seen on US, mammogram and MRI there was a third ( and the biggest) tumour which had gone undetected. 

Have you had an MRI? That can  detect difficult to see tumours.

i had surgery, chemo and rads and I’m pleased to report that I feel completely well now and  hopefully it’s all behind me.

fingers crossed it all turns out to be nothing serious for you 

claire xx

I found a lump four days ago. Was seen same day by my doctor who said definite lump but not an obvious cyst. Was referred to hospital for consultation which has resulted in an ultrasound, mammogram and core biopsy. The consultant doing the ultrasound said he could see the area but was unsure. The mammogram showed nothing. Had the core biopsy where they took three samples. The radiographer and the consultant said they honestly didn’t think it was anything to be worried about and that they thought it was a fibrodenoma. However they couldn’t give me definitive answer until biopsy results come back. I’m trying to stay positive but I have been told by the ontology nurse that it can still come back as cancer even with all the aforementioned comments

Hi Jojo ,welcome to the forum .The vast majority of lumps biopsied turn out not to be cancer but until they get the results back the nurse is right they cannot know for certain, they are making an educated guess about what they are looking at .Its very hard waiting for the results have you got a date to go back ?

Hi CHRC, My original lump was palpable but didn’t show on any imaging and turned out to be fat.

My cancer was found by accident by the radiographer doing the Ultrasound but couldn’t be felt or seen on mammogram. 

Not all breast lumps are cancerous and not all breast cancers are lumps, a biopsy is the only way to find out for certain as sometimes they are left wondering if they have missed something and investigate further, trust me if it Is  cancer you will be so glad they did! 

Xx Jo 

Hi Hun did you have good news or bad news regarding the strange lump? I’m going through the same thing now, no one knows what it is, isn’t really showing much on ultrasound but is a really large lump!! So so scared. Waiting for biopsy!


Any news?