Lump found after a year previous to 1st diagnosis

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could advise me as to whether I may have another lump even after going through all treatment last year. I’ve had my mammogram in Feb and it came back normal, however I’m quite worried it may have returned. It feels like a over enlarged vein more than a lump but it is raised whether sitting or lying down. I have an appointment at the hospital next week, but was wondering if anyone else’s lump has felt like this? Thanks in advance Julie

Hi nicho56,

I’m sorry to see you haven’t received a response yet but I’d advise you to go to your gp if you’re concerned. In the meantime you can always post on our Ask the Nurse board or call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, who will be able to talk you through any questions you have.

Best wishes,




Hi, I have not experienced the same as you but I just wanted to wish you all the best, our bcn’s always tell us that if we are concerned that we can call them any time to get something checked out, so you are doing the right for your own peace of mind.


Let us know how you get on


Helena xxx

Hi Helena, I have spoken to my bcn and have arranged an appointment with a consultant next week however tomorrow Friday I am seeing oncology for a routine check up anyway so I will also discuss this with them. It may be nothing but to me it seems rather strange, friends and family have said it could just be hard tissue after radiotherapy but it’s above the area that that affected so I just don’t know. Still its going to be a worry isn’t it after already have gone through it before. Thanks for replying. Julie

That’s exactly the same as me lump found through mammogram they said it was about 8cm but after surgery turned out it was 15cm. I know what you mean about the scary tissue mine is rock hard and I find sleeping on that side is a nightmare. Anyway I will let you know thank you x

Hi Helena, just to update you after our conversation the other day. Doctor was quite concerned about the lump so unfortunately I have to go through all the tests again. In a bit of a daze atm got to wait till next Thursday before I see consultant . I had a ct scan a few weeks ago due to having a cough since finishing treatment and he found some suspicious areas on my breast. It’s going to be a long week. Julie

Thank you, I’ll let you know x

Hi Helena sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you I’ve been on holiday. So I had my tests and it turns out that I have a large amount of seroma that has crystallised and can not be removed it is now too hard to syringe out. It was a big relief though and I’m glad I had it looked at, I just have to massage it using moisturiser. So I really enjoyed our holiday with our grandchildren. I hope all is well with you. .Julie

Aww dear that must of hurt!! I know the slightest pressure hurts nowadays. Well take care of yourself and thanks for being there for me . Julie xx

Sending you cyber hugs Helena xx