Lump found

Hello im 19 years old my current breast size is HH iv felt a strange lump on the inside of my boob for a while but only started noticing the pain when my son climbs all over me but its been hurting for a while im not sure of its a lobe or fatty tissue i can grab it its a long lump i can grab but hurts my boobs have been hurting for a while and i don’t get period s so no chance its pregnancy i dont want to go to my
Doctor because he ignores me im from bedfordshire and want a breast screening iv been reading they only screen women from 47 to 73 years of age its worrying me im not 100% sure what to do iv got pictures if anyone wants to private message me and ill send them across to see what you think…

Hi Staceyanne19

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.

While you are waiting for replies please could I recommend that you give our helpline team here a ring and have a chat with one of the staff, they’re here to support you.  Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open at 9am this morning through until 5pm (Mon to Fri) and Sat 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator