I am a newbie and have been looking through other peoples threads hoping to find possibly someone who has had the same experience as me.
I have a lump in my right breast. I have had all the tests and the consultant said he is pretty certain all is ok but not 100% sure and they are not sure why it is there and of course what it is so I am having it removed early December. Last time I saw the consultant I said I thought the lump had got bigger but he suggested that it was more likely due to the core biospy 3 weeks prior to that due to the still visible bruising and the healing process.
I saw my consultant on the 9th Nov and since then definately feel that this lump has increased alot. I am due my pre-assessment for surgery next week but feel, as no doubt many others do, scared and worried as to why this lump has increased as much as it has? My husband was really shocked at the increase of size and has now begun worrying which of course has set me of even more so.
I know of course that really I just have to wait and see what they say at my pre-assessment but can’t help feeling sick with worry.!!
Has anyone else experienced a dramatic change in size within a 5 week period.?
Welcome to the forums, you are very welcome to call our confidential helpline on 0808 800 6000 which opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm for support, information and a ‘listening ear’ to help you to manage the worry you have at the moment.
Thank you very much I have contacted the number already and had a lovely “listening ear |”. I guess I was just looking for someone who had a similar experience. Off for my pre-op assessment tomorrow.!!
Hi, I also had breast lumps that grew very quickly but came out as “probably benign” on the initial biopsy. Once they were removed, they were discovered to be something called phyllodes tumours. These are very well known for growing very large, very quickly and are normally benign but can be malignant.
I like you am also new to this. I just found my lump Tuesday night while in the shower. My left breast was very tender as well. So I got in to my doctor tjhe very next day. I am scheduled for a mammogram next Wednesday. However, tonight my beat was hurting even more and when I conducted another self examine the lump has grown larger just since I was at the doctor 2 days ago. Wearing a bra is even painful at this point as the lump is on the bottom of my beat and reaches down to wear my bra his. I have a huge Housley of limpoma tumors and have had a few removed in the past. But none of them have ever grown this rapidly or been this painful. My husband is worried as the change in just 2 days is significant & wants me to go to the ER. So confused. I wish everyone posting my thoughts and prayers to each and everyone of you strong, beautiful women.
Hi all
New to this. Just reading about lumps increasing in size. My stories a little different. I found a lump on my right chest wall just above my breast sometime last year and had all tests except a biopsy, everything came back fine but didnt really get a clear explanation. However the past week or two i feel like it has definately grown and i am experiencing pain in that breast.
Any advise or anyone with similar experiences would be welcomed.