lump got bigger! has anyone had this

Hi Boopoodoo

This really is a rollercoater ride up one minute down the next, try to just go with the flow whenever possible Im afraid friendstend to really p you off thy have he best intentions but its not what you need that why this site is so important to us.

I used to dream my lump had gone so know where yo are coming from. Chin up

Sending hugs Karen

Hi Karen was at my pals to night for a get together woth some of the girls for work and it was great. they had all signed a card for me wishing me well for monday!

Im so pleased that the weekend is here as its the only 2 days of the week that fly in lol

so monday here I come, I making a promise to myself not to feel for the lump as it just make me ill Im going to leave it up to the doc now

hugs big time to all you guys for all your support
