Lump in armpit

Hi, I’m Amanda, it’s been a few years since I’ve posted on this forum. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 8 and half years ago. Treatment included chemo, radio, 2 mastectomies and tamoxifen (which I stopped taking after 6 months). For a little while I’ve noticed a lump in the armpit on the same side as the original cancer. It’s hard and has a slight reddish colour where it touches the surfaced. I’ve been referred to the breast unit at the hospital and my appointment is Monday. I’m relieved that I’m being seen so quickly but so so scared. This year was going to be my year for embarking on a new career in photography :frowning: I was 38 when first diagnosed, I’m now nearly 47. I’m married with two teenage children (15 and 16).

Hi Amanda,

We know all too well that a few days wait for an appointment is hellish. Why don’t you call the BCC helpline and speak to one of the nurses? I am pretty sure that IF it is cancer in your lymph nodes that is causing the swelling then it is still considered curable and not secondaries.

Just wanted to bump this up.


Hi SandyToes…they removed all the lymph nodes when they did the mastectomy (on the cancer side) unless, of course, they didn’t get them all.